Two best friends in a room...

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-How it went?Buck looked up to observe Hen.

She was waiting for a signal from his law enforcement friend to enter through the opening in the wall. The fireman couldn't take his eyes off the end of the hallway from where, although as Athena had predicted it seemed to be less crowded, the cheers and screams could still be heard.

-How it went, what?

-Your date with Veronica. It was the day before yesterday, wasn't it? You looked rather grumpy yesterday.

He rolled his eyes.

- Don't tell me about it. I should never have downloaded this useless app.

- Was she that bad?

Evan struggled to determine if she was talking about the app or the girl, but seeing the smirk she was trying to hide as best she could, he guessed that it wasn't the site that she was interested in.

-She was not "bad". On the contrary. Maybe she was too good for a guy like me. That's probably why she said she didn't want to see me anymore.

-What else did you say that could upset her?

-That's the problem, I didn't even have time to say anything. It's like she already knew that it was not going to work and that she realized that she was going to waste her time. I prepared the meal for nothing, it was Albert who ate most of the dessert if you want to know everything.

-It's official? Does he live with you?

-Temporarily I dare to hope. I understand that Maddie and Chimney want a little privacy, but I'm not going to be stuck with my sticky brother-in-law all eternity.

-It would be more missed if Veronica lives in front of your apartment. Buck stared at her, disillusioned, he would have wanted to cry at that moment, the spell was on him.

-No...She gasped in amazement without being able to hold back the laughter that was starting to vibrate in the back of her throat. Don't tell me that ...

"I said I didn't want to talk about it," he growled, crossing his arms.

Hen pursed his lower lip to suppress her smile and looked at the floor. Just her colleague's crestfallen head could make her laugh out loud but now was neither the time nor the place. On top of that, Buck seemed genuinely preoccupied, this neighbor and roommate thing had to be one more stone to put on the scale which was already tilting dangerously to one side.

-Ha! Hen exclaimed. This is our signal. Let's play.

The firefighter was already about to shoot like an arrow, but the emergency responder grabbed his wrist and forced him to look at her.

-Don't forget we have a plan, Buck. You let me talk, you follow me and you don't say anything. We're gonna get Eddie out of here, I promise, but we're doing it my way, okay?

He nodded, and for the first time in a while, he was being really honest. It didn't matter how they went about it, all he wanted was for them to get it over asap and for it to end well.

His fist was itching, he wanted to hit someone, and secretly he hoped the guy in the suit would be in his path when he'll have the chance to.

-You act like you've done this before, he suggested, letting her take the lead.

-Because I already did that. It is not the first time. I have to say my look is unusual, it's easy to mistake me for the wrong person.

- I know that you are a good person Hen. She turned and gave him a little face. In another context, she would have thanked him, but she knew full well that he was licking her so that she would let him act as he saw fit. She wouldn't give in.

Conflicted (Buddie) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now