Two Weeks Later...

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-It's okay, do you have everything you need?

Eddie raised his head and shook it, looking distracted. He tapped the pockets of his puzzled jogging and frowned.

Buck reached out to the metal shelf on the table and brandished the keychain in the air. Eddie made a disillusioned pout before stealing his keys.

-Don't play smart, he warned by pointing him with it.

Buck raised his hands in the air as a sign of surrender and repressed a laugh when he saw the firefighter pass in front of him. Both stopped at the reception desk and Eddie signed a whole range of documents and exit authorization papers. When they passed through the doors of the emergency room, the Mexican took a deep breath.

- It feels a lot of good...

Eddie stayed for a few moments enjoying the warm air of May and the soft wind whipping his face before reopening his eyes.

Evan arched an eyebrow, interviewing him with his eyes and he nodded to the car.

The journey to Eddie's was in a peaceful silence but filled with unspoken words. When he crossed the threshold of his door, Eddie seemed not even to recognize his living room. He sat down on his sofa and passed his eyes over the entire furniture and decoration. Buck appeared in his field of vision, with a beer in his hand that he handed him.

He shook his head. Buck sit down and landed on the armrest.

-It's alcohol-free, I know you don't have the right.

He nodded, satisfied but also slightly surprised that Buck knew about it. Knowing him, he had surely asked a lot of questions to all the doctors and especially to Dr. Spracher. Without suspecting that he could become slightly insistent.

-How do you feel?

Eddie grimaced him, reminding him that he had stipulated that he was not asked this question.

-I'm fine. I had two weeks to recover, all I expected was to get out of this bed, I was starting to get sick. On the other hand, he said, pivoting towards his friend the air concerned, you look tired.

Buck put a hand on his face and smiled timidly.

-I had a few difficult nights, but it's okay, I'm becoming a pro in there.

Eddie made a skeptical little pout before giving him a shoulder. He looked at the bottle and thoughtful, turned it in his hand.

-Thank you for taking care of Christopher this week, it made him smile again.

-Now that you're here, he'll be able to enjoy you again. I'll tell you honestly, I was impatiently waiting for you to go out for one thing: I can't stand walking on legos lying around.

Eddie exploded with laughter and Buck followed him closely, failing to reverse the contents of his beer. It made them a lot of laughter, after spending two horrible weeks.

Ten days earlier, Buck's trial was held in an almost empty courtroom because of the new restrictions. Only Athena and Bobby had been able to come. The firefighter's lawyer had defended him brilliantly and the lieutenant had thanked him with a warm hug. All this story had washed him away and he had discovered the underside of justice that he would not have preferred never to know. The pressure, the bad and judging looks and the impression that although all the evidence is in our favor, prison is an inevitable box in this board game.

On May 1, Buck set foot at home, finally free.

That same evening, Bobby called him and told him the news. Eddie's metabolism had got carried away and he had a malaise, a kind of backlash to the overdose. He had started convulsing and foaming like that day in the cage. Once stabilized, he immediately woke up completely out of phase as if he were no longer in the right body and did not recognize a single of his friends.

Conflicted (Buddie) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now