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- I what? When did you intend to tell me? Did you at least intend to tell me? He rebelled by putting his hands on the table.

-You could talk to me in another tone, I can know who allowed you to search my bathroom?

-I didn't search, I came across it by chance, and I confess that I would have preferred to avoid Eddie. What's going on? How long has it been going on?

Eddie sat down and reached out to recover his property. Buck let him do it.

-I had a bad week.

-You had a... But were you still in the hospital?! Did you get high in the sight of the nurses? Was that why you relapsed? It wasn't a natural reaction to the back blow, you were completely high! He noticed as he collapsed in his chair, stunned.

-Stop talking to me as if I didn't fucking know, and watch your language.

-Speak for yourself! You're a fucking junkie Eddie.

-I'm not a junkie Buck.

-If I throw the box in the toilets right away, what would you do?

-I'll disassemble you, is that clear? Don't even try to think about it.

-Yes and by that you're not completely addicted?

Eddie rolled his eyes and stared at him, feeling like a kid yelled at.

-What do you want me to tell you? That I'm sorry? Well, I'm sorry, are you happy?

Buck looked at the table, circumspect. What more could he say?

-I don't want you to be sorry for that, he said, pointing to the box of pills, I want you to be sorry for not having been able to trust me. You could have told me, I would have helped you as we have always done for each other.

Evan stared at his friend on the other side of the table and shook his head bitter.

-You didn't tell me anything, he continued, because you don't even realize it.

Eddie made a painful grimace, he refrained from crying.

-I know it's not your fault Eddie. I know it's Hector's asshole and his fucking horse dope. I don't blame you for becoming addicted, I blame you for hiding this from me. Did you plan to get back to work by gliding completely?

He didn't answer.

-Obviously, noted the blond, upset, you weren't going to tell anyone, wasn't you? How did you intend to hide it, do you know it shows? Hen is rather gifted in there, I remind you that her ex was a junkie too.

-Stop calling me like that, I'm not a junkie.

Evan raised his hands in the air to apologize.

-You're right, you're just a little lost guy who likes to get high in the evening in front of the TV. Yeah, it's true that it feels good on a resume. But you know what? It's going to be okay, I promise you.

He got up and reached out his hand, Eddie looked at this hand not knowing what to do with it.

-What are you going to do with it? He asked, hesitantly.

-I'm going to make them disappear. And I'm going to be very direct, either you give them to me and together we make this addiction disappear, or I'm the one who disappears.

Eddie's hand remained suspended for a moment, his eyes passing from the box to Buck's gaze, and at that moment, he no longer knew what scared him most in between.

Conflicted (Buddie) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now