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-Open the door! I know who took Christopher!


25 minutes earlier...

-Is there a tiny chance that you will forgive me one day for having been the cause of so much trouble?

Eddie raised his head and laughed, slowly blinking.

-I told you once you were annoying because it was easy to give it all in with your eyes. I can't answer this question Buck because I don't know. All I'm asking is that my boy be found, and if you're still there talking to me, it's because you're the best track they have, aren't you?

He nodded.

-I understand that if I want to find my son, we'll have to find together how it could have happened? The situation is getting amusing, he ironically said.

Evan shook his doubtful head. He felt and understood Eddie's discomfort in staying in the same room as him although he had not hit him for about ten minutes.

-That night, were you with anyone?

-I was coming back home alone, before I had spent the evening with friends, we had drunk some beers, it was my last evening I planned to leave only elected days later.

-Your departure has progressed. Was it the incident in the alley that forced you to do so?

Buck wanted to cry. He felt that an immense weight had withdrawn from his shoulders. Eddie hated him right now, but he had mentioned an incident, not a murder or a slippage. A simple incident. It could have happened to anyone and that's what he implied.

Buck raised his head and swallowed when he saw the man looking at him, standing in the corner of the room, with a smile on his lips.

Eddie swallowed his saliva.

-Did you see if there were surveillance cameras?

-There were none there, they are not supervised neighborhoods.

-After what happened, they may have installed some. A question bothers me. You were three in the alley and yet they immediately confirmed that the other guy was guilty. I don't doubt your criminal skills, but it seems strange to me.

-The font is not recommended there. They needed a culprit, this guy was ideal, in addition to being completely drunk he had a locker.

-Do you know what happened to him?

-I imagine you know Santiago prison? Michael Ortega was from Chile and illegally immigrated to Argentina. They sent him home. Three weeks after his incarceration, he hanged himself in his cell. According to newspaper articles, he suffered from schizophrenia. I convinced myself that this was the truth because I can't live by telling myself that I locked up an innocent man and that he hanged himself for it.

Eddie rotated a room between his fingers.

-You have a lot of deaths to your credit Buck, do I have to fear for my life?

Eddie stared at him, his eyes shiny. Buck raised an eyebrow.

-Is that me or you just made a joke?

Conflicted (Buddie) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now