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It was maybe like midnight when Buck, woken up by this continuing ringing at the front door, was upset enough to get up. He slowly got downstairs and tousled his hair, wondering what was the reason for someone to knock at his door this late in the night. He slid the security chain and turned the key in the lock, forgetting to look in the spyhole and when he opened the door, Carla, panicked and carping about insensed explanations, came in. Christopher was following her closely.

Evan frowned and cast an eye over the hour on the oven and realized it was totally past midnight.

-Carla? What are you doing there this late?

-He's here isn't he? Did you had a nice party and you lost track of time and he went off to sleep without noticing? That's it isn't it?

She ran to the living room and made an about-turn, noticing the thing she was looking for wasn't here.

-Where is he? She repeated.

Buck fondled the boy's hair who came hugging him without any word, looking distracted and a bit disturbed by the unexpected coming of the social worker.

-I don't know what you're talking about Carla. Who are you looking for? Why isn't Christopher in bed? He asked, taking him in his arms, walking toward his bedroom on first floor.

-Eddie, she said. That boy's father, your best friend, hasn't come up home yet. Buck, is he here? She repeated, annoyed.

Buck returned, surprised and suddenly worried.

-What do you mean, Eddie hasn't come up yet?

He went down the few steps he climbed and cautiously put Christopher down.

-I called him like twenty times, he was supposed to get home at twenty after the shift. He didn't.

-He hasn't...Why do I learn that only now?!!

She opened her arms, as surprised as him.

-You think! It directly came to my mind to call you when I was worried enough to try to call every single person he used to know! I even reached his Abuelita, I didn't even understand any word she said, she admitted to herself.

Buck was already putting on a pair of shoes and he ran to grab his coat and keys.

-Who else knows? You waited that long to tell me?

- Easy young man, watch your mouth will you? I couldn't let Christopher down, it was hard enough to keep him calm. May I remind you that your dear best friend was supposed to have a game night with his son and that he waited his dad for two hours.

-Forgive me Carla, it's just that... It isn't normal!

-No kidding... You think I would have come here if it was normal to me? I swear to god, next time I see him, I'm gonna kick his ass.

-You'll wait, he said holding Christopher in his arms and closing the door behind him.

Carla was already waiting on the other side of the corridor, worried. When they sat in the car, Evan grabbed his phone, and pulled back, already driving on the avenue.

-Buck? The deep and asleep Maddie's voice crackled

-Madds, you know where's Eddie?

-Eddie? Why should I know?

Evan could easily imagine her sister, glancing at the clock to be sure it was a good time for an emergency call and she'll realize it isn't. Especially knowing she was pregnant.

-He hasn't come back home yet and left Christopher alone. You know that coming from him it's weird. No, it's impossible! I know you and him have been talking recently, maybe he told you something about where he could be? Something he maybe didn't want to tell me?

Conflicted (Buddie) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now