Bad Day at Los Angeles

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"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

- You should send a patrol to 12 Charlestone, I have a guy here who overdoses on Pervitin, he might need naxolone.

-Madam, could you give me your name?

-Henrietta Wilson. I ... I'm a paramedic on 118, hurry up.

-Hen? The voice responds, kind of surprised. It's Maddie, are you okay?

-Maddie? Yeah, I'm fine, it's ... Eddie. We are in a bad situation here ...

-What kind of situation Hen?

Hen lifted her head to look around. The situation was delicate, it was the case to say it. The barking had ceased and had been replaced by suspicious looks and hatred. As soon as she threw herself on the gate, the two gorillas intervened, showing their weapon.

"If you don't step aside right now this guy is going to die and it will be because of you, you want that to happen?" She had stared up at them, her jaw clenched.

Either way, she was ready to fight to get through. They had finally moved away and she had entered as soon as she had taken out her cell phone. In the meantime, Jaeger, whose name had suddenly returned to Buck because he had heard of it before, walked in, introduced himself and brandished a gun at their heads. Behind their backs, someone had closed the cage grid, the four of them were stuck here.

"I don't believe you, I knew there was something wrong with you two, you guys are cops right?

-If we were really cops, you wouldn't even be standing up to open your big mouth yet, the fireman had told him, walking towards him.

-A word of advice my friend, never insult the one who holds the weapon, he had said with a smile."

Evan had changed his mind and ended up kneeling next to his friend, his sudden urge to defend himself gone.

"Eddie, please wake up."

Hen after giving his friend an angry look to berate him for taking the risk, got down to work. With the phone near her, she was on the speakerphone. When Buck recognized his sister's voice on the other end of the line, he huffed, annoyed.

-You can call on Athena and Bobby? They are already informed.

-Informed of what? What's the situation, you have to tell me Hen, otherwise I can't send help.

Evan picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

-Maddie, it's me, I'm sorry, but before you get mad, know that it wasn't planned.

-Buck? What the heck, where the hell are you ?!

-Listen, you have to send an ambulance, please, Eddie will stay there or else!

-I already warned Athena, now tell me what's going on or I swear I'll make you pay.

-I can not.

-How can you not?

-I can't because Athena asked me to! You understand? I'm not playing here.

-Did Athena ask you to put yourself in a dangerous situation? Buck! Did she ask you to risk your life? Why? Explain to me!

- I'll explain everything to you later. I can't say anything right now, you gotta trust me, I'm gonna be okay with me.

-Buck! I swear if you hang up that phone I'll stick one on you. Buck! Evan!

But he had hung up and got up.

-An ambulance and the police will be landing here in less than five minutes, if you don't want to get caught, you better get out of the way, he said.

Conflicted (Buddie) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now