Last day on Earth

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Beware of you young readers, this chapter's classified Mature, you are warned, be notified

Kisses on your right buttocks ;)

-Even better!

When he reached the landing, he almost spread out on the floor, but Eddie's live hand caught up with him and helped him straighten up. Evan laughed, embarrassed but also nervous to have almost spread out at this precise moment.

Eddie shook his exasperated head and pulled him at him before turning on himself and pushing him until his back hit the wall near the bathroom door. He came to put his lips in a kiss more fiery than before but just as delicate. Buck's hands automatically rose on his hips and slipped under his t-shirt before clinging to his burning skin.

Eddie rolled to the side, taking the blond with him and pushed the bathroom door before walking backwards in the room. Buck threw his foot and closed the door behind him with a heel stroke before walking forward by pedestrianizing to deepen the languorous exchange.

Eddie's lower back hit the washing machine and he jumped to sit on it, leaving enough space between his legs for the blond to get closer.

He raised his arms in the air and Evan lifted his t-shirt before randomly throwing it into the room and falling back into the basket.

-Oh, well done! Congratulated Eddie by making an impressed pout.

Evan shrugged his shoulders.

-It's talent, don't look, he boasted, sticking a little more to the machine and trying to catch the firefighter's shoulders to cling to it.

Eddie bent over and grabbed the bottom of Buck's t-shirt to remove it in turn and rolled it into a ball before aiming towards the basket. He pulled and missed the basket. Buck laughed by kissing him. Eddie gently bit his lip.

- You just didn't have to make fun of me, he justified himself by seeing Evans's offended look.

He rolled his eyes before lowering his head and putting butterfly kisses in his "colleague's neck". He traced a starry path along his collarbone, dropping small shiny pearls of water on his tanned skin. He felt the Mexican's chest get up and sag fairly quickly when he passed to his nipples and smiled. Devon was not completely right, it was not only on his buttocks that Eddie had a birthmark.

He passed his fingers over it and blinked, raising his head towards Eddie, who had closed his eyes, invaded by such a amount of heat that he was soaked.

-What's going on? He was worried when he saw that he was being observed.

Buck laughed and shook his head.

-Nothing, I find it just funny that you have a birthmark here. And on the buttocks.

He made his big eyes.

-What? But how do you know that?

Buck shrugged his shoulders, a smile in the corner, his look mischievous.

-My little finger told me.

He laughed in front of his best friend's troubled face and lowered his eyes towards his fingers as they were busy removing the belt from the jeans, which had become too small in a few minutes.

Eddie interrupted him and got off the machine before pushing him and pressing him against the sink.

-You won't have me like that Buckley, he breathed, sensually in his ear.

He imitated the blond by coming to kiss him in the neck, on the collarbones and on all the small pieces of skin he knew were sensitive.

His hair harrowed, electrified by goosebumps and he swung his head back, holding a little moaning feeling more and more excited.

Conflicted (Buddie) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now