Sleeping beauty

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-What are you doing?

That was all that had managed to get out of his lips. "What are you doing?" It was complicated to judge whether it was because he was surprised, shocked, outraged or felt guilty, perhaps all four at once, but he dared not move.

-I don't really know what I'm doing, he confessed, observing one of the blonde locks falling on his friend's forehead. But I know you won't blame me, am I wrong?

Evan raised his head and looked around him. They were alone, and just noticing that, he laughed.

-For all this time, it was you, he blew for himself.

Eddie questioned him with his eyes, puzzled and the firefighter shook his head, asking him to ignore his comment. He turned around and had a petty little smile on his face.

-What? Tied the Mexican when he saw his friend watch him with a smile.

-Now I have inappropriate thoughts.

Eddie laughed.

-What kind of thoughts?

Evan raised his eyebrows convinced and got on all fours before stepping over Eddie and sitting down.

-This kind of idea.

He leaned forward and came to kiss the Mexican by placing both his hands in his neck. Eddie blew and pulled his hands up on the blond's hips.

-I like the idea, he laughed, raising his hands towards his neck and deepening the kiss.

Eddie raised his arms and Buck slipped his t-shirt until he removed him and sent him to waltz in the distance. He took the initiative to remove his own and only remembered now that he had not even taken the time to remove his jacket. He laughed at his stupidity and withdrew it while continuing the languorous exchange that was taking place before his eyes. Eddie passed his hands behind his back and clung to his shoulders before rolling on his side and finding himself above, he smiled, looking playful.

-I knew you more resistant, he laughed.

Buck arched an eyebrow, a rictus at the corner of his lips.

-Why would I resist? I've been waiting for that for months, he blew, picking up his mouth.

Eddie shook his head amused and closed his eyes while blowing.

The heat quickly rose between their two bodies, which were waltzing to the rhythm of their uncontrolled movements. Perhaps they were, impossible to know, it was as if they belonged to another outside world and no one could reach them.

There were friction sounds, an elbow in a piece of the bed, laughter and breaths. We heard the zip of a zipper, cracking joints and small guttural sounds.

Eddie had let the firefighter regain the upper hand and at one point he laughed.

-What? Buck rushed thinking he was doing strangely.

-The situation ends me. Do you know that the fantasy of many people is role-playing? Do you know which disguise is the most chosen? The firefighter and the nurse.

-You are the nurse, replied Buck, coming to kiss him at the neck, leaving a wet trail of electric kisses.

-Out of the question! You are the nurse, you are always taking care of others.

-You wasn't the one who was a medical doctor? He replied, provoking him.

-It doesn't mean anything, I was a soldier, I could beat you if I wanted to.

-Try to, he said, player.

Buck got up and made a wave with his eyebrows standing on the other side of the bed, ready to flee. As soon as Eddie got up, he rushed into the corridor sneering. He was persuaded to know his best friend's entire house and yet it seemed that Eddie had decided to change the place of furniture. When did he have time to do that? Moreover, now that he was thinking about it, he was surprised that Christopher had not got up yet because of the bug they were doing.

Conflicted (Buddie) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now