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A week passed since Wally and Robin committed to create a non-manipulating plan to get Artemis to remember the past. It really was mission impossible. How does one make another remember the past? On top of that, do it in a way that is not manipulating? These questions raced around Wally's head. He sat in his bedroom lying awake. He hadn't gotten much sleep in this tiring week. he was too busy thinking. Wally looked over at his clock. It read 7:13 am. He groaned and rolled off his bed with a loud, thunk!

"Ow." he mumbled getting up shakily. if he had done his calculations right he had managed to get about four and a half hours of sleep last night. Wally lazily shuffled his feet out of his room and into the living room. His red flannel pants dragged on the floor. when he rounded the corner Wally saw Dick nonchalantly sitting in the living room watching tv.

"Any updates on mission impossible?" Wally said desperately.

"No." Robin said shaking his head. "I'm starting to think that mission impossible is really impossible.

Hearing that come from the genius boy wonder hit Wally like a truckload of bricks. However, he felt the same way. "what if there isn't an elaborate way to strike her memories back?" Wally asked clicking his heels.

Dick turned and looked at him, "what do you mean?"

"I mean what if we don't have to plan and plot and do all these crazy things." Wally was referring to a liquid solution Dick came up with that was supposed to help boost her memory. Instead she just said random impulsive things. Wally did like that part though. His favorite had to be when he asked if she thought he had the hottest bod. She had a big smile but then slapped her hands over her mouth. Naturally the serum fought that action and she blurted, "honestly you have the best abs I have ever seen." she then cupped her hands around her mouth again and stormed out. Wally knew he saw her blush, but for her pride's sake he wouldn't mention it.

"Are you suggesting that they will come to her naturally?" Dick asked tilting his head slightly.

"Yeah." Wally said with determined nod.

"Alright well I guess I won't tell you the breaking news I found that may trigger her memory." Robin said with a singsong voice and a shrug.

Wally whipped his head towards the kid. He swiftly walked over to his spot on the couch. "Spill. Now." he gave Dick a stern look.

"Well emotion is one of the most powerful forces on earth. So, I have a theory if she feels these strong emotions again then maybe it will trigger her memory." Robin said with pride.

Wally narrowed his eyes. " Like a domino effect? One after another they will keep tumbling in." he said with a smile slowly growing across his face.
"You, my friend, are a genius." he did a little skip and sped back to the kitchen. Wally hummed a soft song and danced while he chugged the rest of the milk carton.

"Are you always an idiot or do I walk in at the most opportune times." Artemis' voice came from across the room. Wally chocked on his milk and set the carton down. His cheeks puffed out and a small streak of milk dribbled down his chin. He smiled keeping his lips pressed tightly. Wally thought he couldn't have had looked like a bigger dork.

Artemis laughed wholeheartedly and started her way to him. This morning she woke up with a sense of peace. She didn't know why but everything seemed so much...brighter? She just had a surge of happiness flow through her body.

'Did Artemis just laugh?' Wally thought and panic struck him. 'What is she gonna do to me?' He cringed expecting the worst as she approached him. Instead of hitting him she wiped the milk from his chin with her thumb. Dick snickered as he watched the two. Wally almost choked on his milk again. Instead he swallowed with a loud gulp.

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