Boyfriend Stealer

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"Wakeey wakeey boyfriend stealer." Jinx cackled. She had truly snapped. Madness burned in every part of her being. Jinx brought them to storage units by the docs. It was old and musty.

Artemis groaned fluttering her eyes open. suddenly she remembered the flash of pink and the insane jealous 'girlfriend'. Artemis' eyes widened as she struggled against Jinx's Magic that was binding her.

"Wh-what do you want from me?!?" Art growled.

"I want to make you hurt." jinx grinned widely with insanity dancing through her eyes.

"What are you going to do...torture me?" Art spat.

"Exactly." she snapped her fingers and pink electric currents ran through Artemis' body.

"GAHHHHHH!" She screamed in pain clenching her fists so tight her knuckles turned white.

"Awe sweetie this just the beginning." jinx smirked and punched her in the face. Blood dripped down Artemis' nose and to the corner of her lip.
Back at The Cave:

Miss Martian and Superboy joined Kaldur, Robin, and the frantic Kid Flash.

"So far we don't have any leads to where Artemis may be held captive." Kaldur pulled up a computer screen and started searching.

"Kid where would Jinx take Art? did you guys have any special places?" Robin asked tapping his finger on the counter.

"I don't re-" Wally was interrupted by his own cry of agony. In his mind he could see a girl... a girl strapped to a chair with...with Sparks? He suddenly felt a searing pain, like he just got punched in the face. Wally opened his emerald eyes suddenly and gasped for air. He looked around at his team with worried expressions across their faces.

"Wally!!!" Robin yelled. The team ran over to him. "what happened? M'gann can you check his mind?"

"I sure can." M'gann replied

"No! Don't." Wally spoke breathing heavily. "I-I saw someone a-a girl." realization crept across his face. "it was Artemis! In some kind of bond." he suddenly remembered the pain. "And she is being hurt." Wally looked confused and dazed.

"M'gann is it possible to see what other people are experiencing?" Wally looked over at the martian girl.

"Yeah, it's incredibly rare though. It can only be done by a pair of people with a strong emotional bond." M'gann looked worried and she turned to conner smiling sympathetically.

"That's happened to us before." conner explained. "maybe your visions can help us find where Artemis is!" Conner said excitedly.

"Quick Wally tell me everything you saw, heard, and even smelled." M'gann said hurriedly.

Back to his normal state Wally closed his eyes to try to picture the place.

"It's dusty and kind of gross. And is smells salt water. and there are shelves, lots of shelves." He opened his eyes.

"Hey that sounds like the docks!" Dick piped up.

Hearing all of this Aqualad typed in the docs address and zoomed in on the buildings. "i think we have our lead. Miss Martian, ready the bioship."

At that Miss M zoomed out and the team quickly followed to where the bioship was positioned. The team filed in and right away you could tell there was a missing presence. Wally solemnly looked over to where Artemis' seat lay empty and crooked. Team had been so busy trying to find Artemis that they didn't even realize how quiet it was with out her. It was quiet in the bioship. Art was always making fun of people, but in a loving way. Wally missed being called baywatch, Kid idiot, gingersnap and many, many, many more. Robin missed being called birdbrain. Artemis gave them all silly little names to call them. Of course in Artemis' eyes Wally was the stupidest so he got the most names.
Back at The Docs:
Artemis lay limp in her bindings. Bruises scattered the upper half of her body. Open cuts dripped blood down her face and shoulders and one eyes was purple and puffy. This kind of treatment wasn't anything new to Artemis. If she didn't do what he wanted her to, Artemis' dad would torture her. so let's just say this isn't the first time this has happened.

"Jinx if you really want to fight then let me out of this. unless you're too scared." Artemis' voice was hoarse and weak.

"Awe poor little thing." jinx slithered "you see I'm not scared, I just need you in one place so I can enjoy your pain."

"Still sounds like you are pretty scared to me." Artemis' voice cracked not helping her case.

"Even if I was,which I'm not, I wouldn't let you out of this bind." Jinx leaned over and slapped Artemis across the face.
Back at The Bioship:
"So do we have a plan of attack Kal?" Wally spun in his chair to face him.

"Assuming they are at the I don't believe we do. We will have to set up a telepathic link so we can create one once we survey the situation." Kaldur looked at M'gann.

"On it." Miss Martian closed her eyes and pressed the temples of her head. "link established."

'Everyone on?' M'gann thought.

'Here!' They all thought.

"Alright approaching target." M'gann led the bioship downward and parked it without a noise.

'Alright Kal and I will come in through the south entrance. M'gann and superboy you two need to go in through the vent on the roof of the dock building. Wally move in through the main entrance before all of us. we all know you are the one jinx wants ' Robin thought sympathetically.

'Time to get my Arty back!' Wally said excitedly in his head.

The team quietly moved to their positions. 'alright KF your move.' Robin said to Wally telepathically.

'Got in moving in' Wally quietly slid through the main entrance. when he turned around his heart rate increased. Jinx was standing right behind him.

"Well hello lover boy. I think we need to have a little chat."

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