Mission Mishap

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"Hey, Artemis," robin shook artemis' shoulder.

The archer rustled around in her hospital bed. Last night there was a mission down in gothem. The joker was on a rampage and Artemis got hit in the head a bit too hard.

"What?" she groaned and sat up rubbing her head. "What happened?"

"I'll explain that later, just take this." robin handed a small pain killer to Artemis.

Artemis picked up the medicine and took a swig of water to wash it down. She layed down and rested for a moment as robin walked out the room. "Oh and there may be some side effects!" robin called behind him but Artemis was already asleep.

Just a little later Wally came into Artemis' room to check up on her. Wally glances down at her light and beautiful completion. 'wow she is pretty,' Wally smiled dreamily then snapped back 'no! get yourself together Wally!' He shouted in his head.

Artemis woke up with a slight groan. She looked confused as she sat up.

"Oh, Wally," she smirked.

The speedsters eyes widened and looked around the room to make sure she was talking to him. "uhhh hi," he said nervously. "DICK?!" Wally yelled.

Robin was there in a split second. "Yeah wall man?" he asked.

"Um what's wrong with Artemis?" He pointed to the loopy archer.

"Side effects of the pain medicine." he shrugged and then smirked "have some fun with that." robin then darted out of the doorway.

"Sooooooo wall man," she giggled "what are the odds of seeing you here?"

"Um yeah," he tugged at his collar feeling nervous. he then realized he could get the answers he's been waiting for. "Sooo arty," he smirked "do you have any crushes?"

"Mmmmhm!" she smiled nodding her head "he's super cute and funny even though I hate him sometimes," she giggled again. "aaaannnd he's on the team."

"Ohhh ok," he smiled brightly "and uh who might this young fellow be?" he urged.

"Well you might just have to figure that one out cutie," she winked and smiled drowsily.

"Oh you think I'm cute?" he smirked

"Maybeeee, and I really think it's sooooo HOT when you take your shirt off!" She laughed loudly.

"Like this?" Wally pulled off his shirt waiting to see Artemis' loopy reaction.

She blushed a bit and smiled. "yeah exactly like that!" she giggled staring at his abs.

"Wally time for a me- oh!" robin laughed looking between Artemis and Wally who were both smiling "meeting." He smirked. "briefing room five minutes sharp!" He laughed one more time and walked away.

"Well I have a meeting to attend to!" he laughed and stood up. "see ya arty!" He kissed her on the cheek and left hoping he didn't screw up. Artemis however was as happy as can be even though she wasn't exactly right in the head at the moment.

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