Pink Sparks

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"Wally...WALLY!" Robin shook the speedster awake.

"I'm up I'm up." Wally groaned.

"No you need to get up now." robins voice cracked.

At this Wally knew something was out of order. Robin never got chocked up.

"Woah buddy what's wrong?" He quickly opened his eyes and sat up.

Dick got over his emotions as well as he could and cleared his throat "Jinx and Artemis are missing."
Last Night

Artemis nonchalantly walked to the fridge to grab a midnight snack after "sparring" with Wally. They mostly talked that night. of course she occasionally got frustrated with herself and Wally for her own mixed emotions.

Artemis started to open up the refrigerator door but she paused feeling a presence in the room. She shut the door and turned to see Jinx standing behind her with a cocky look and her arms crossed.

"Little late for a snack don't cha think?" She hissed.

Artemis wasn't the type to be bullied into scenarios she wasn't ok with. she wasn't ok with jinx on the team temporarily. 'what ever happened to the so called 'mission' she was supposed to help us with?' She thought.

"No, actually. When you work out you tend to lose carbohydrates that need to be replenished in order to maintain healthy and fit." Artemis' expression was stone.

"Working out this late at night seems a bit... suspicious." Jinx uncrossed her arms and placed a hand on her hip.

"Again, no." Artemis opened the fridge door slightly annoyed.

"Let me just cut to the chase, you have been hanging out with my boyfriend, and that needs to stop." Jinx clenched her fists and glared at Artemis.

Now, completely annoyed Art shut the fridge door once again and turned around.

"I don't recall Wally ever mentioning you as his girlfriend. So, I'm going to get my snack and let you go along your creepy stalking way." Artemis nodded her head and grabbed an apple and started to walk away.

Filling with waves of rage jinx stepped in front of her. "I don't think so." she hissed. she snapped her fingers and pink sparks emitted. Her eyes glowed a bright pink. She raised her arms slightly and with and soft swoosh they were both gone.
Present Time

"WHAT?!?" Wally sprung up from his bed.

"Both, gone." Dick sighed and buried his head in his hands.

"Do you have evidence? Anything?!?!?" By this time Wally was frantic.

"No,we are working on that." Robin gestured out Wally's bedroom door.

"I'm going to help." Wally started to run but dick held his arm out and stopped him.

"Dude, look down." he said snickering.

Wally looked down and realized he was only in his boxers. He scratched the back of his head and mumbled "dang it."

"Alright Captain Underpants meet us in the kitchen, that's were some anomalies have been found." dick turned around his cape swooshing in the air.

Frustrated Wally pulled on his usual clothes. He let out an aggravated groan and punched a hole in his wall. He roughly sat down on his bed and sprawled his fingers through his hair. Once his anger died down Wally got up and raced to the kitchen where he found Robin and Kaldur conversing.

"What's the latest news?" Wally asked urgently.

"Slight traces of ash have been found, mostly by the refrigerator." Kaldur spoke.

"Ashes?" Wally whispered to himself. He walked over to the fridge and trailed his finger across the counter. sure enough a small amount of grey ash piled up on the tip of his finger.

"We were thinking since there really isn't any damage that there was only a short period of sparks. Other than that we don't have very much." Robin shrugged solemnly.

"Sparks." Wally furrowed his brow and look closer at the ash. Suddenly Wally noticed slight hints of pink shimmering among the grey. It was all clear to him now. Jinx. She caused the sparks... but why?

"Do we have any security footage?" Wally asked looking at Kaldur.

"I can check!" Robin volunteered. He pulled up his wrist computer and started typing ferociously.

"Here." he pulled up the hologram and showed Wally and Kaldur.

They all started intensely at the screen. The kitchen appeared and so did Artemis. Art walked to the fridge and opened the door.

"Woah creepy jinx just popped up." Robin looked at the computer creeped out.

"Yeah she does that sometimes." Wally looked away slightly embarrassed.

"Working out this late at night seems a bit... suspicious." jinx's voice came through the screen.

"Hey, this was after me and Art had a sparring session." Wally smiled at that memory but it quickly faded.

"Woah sparring that late." Robin smirked at Wally nudging him with his elbow.

"Hey chill birdbrain." Wally flushed a light pink on his ears.

Suddenly jinx stepped in front of Artemis "I don't think so." her voice echoes in the speaker. Pink began glow around the both of them. Wally couldn't believe what he was seeing. Then in a flash of pink sparks, they were gone.

"Well I think we found our answer." Kaldur said his eyes wide with surprise.

Wally just stood there in shock. "Jinx...Jinx did this to Artemis." anger filled Wally in a hot flash. "That evil witch!! I'm going to make her pay. Going to send her back to the depths of hell she came from. No one takes my Artemis. No one." he clenched his fists and stormed out.

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