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Dick began running down the halls looking for Wally.
"Not cool, not cool, not cool!" He murmured to himself

"Wallace Rudolph West where in the heck are y-" robin stopped himself when he found wally and jinx walking hand in hand.

Dick tried to act casual "oh hey KF, jinx." he put on a crooked smile.

"Hey birdie," Wally replied with a slick smile.

"Um," Robin tugged at the collar of his cape, "can I talk to you," he glanced at jinx, "....alone?"

"Uhh yea," Wally looked at dick uneasily then turned and winked at jinx.

"what's up?" He asked after jinxed walked away. He grabbed a bag of potato chips out of the kitchen cupboard and started eating them causally.

"Ok so tell me, how would you feel if I told you artemis had a boyfrie-" Wally interrupted Robin by chocking on his potato chips. Wally put a hand to his chest and coughed even more.

When he finally stopped his voice cracked "I be totally fine."

Robin cocked an eyebrow at the speedster Handing him a glass of water.

Wally grabbed it and chugged it in seconds. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "thanks man." suddenly he turned a faint pink and cleared his throat.

"So who is this new boyfriend of Artemis'?" He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Oh she doesn't have one," Robin smirked.

"What?!" The speedster started talking really fast, "Man you had me worried there for a second I mean not that I would be worried about Artemis because she just artemis and she doesn't mean anything special to me but jinx sure does i mean jinx is a knockout she real-"

"Not yet at least," Robin interrupted.

"Dude hands off artemis." Wally said with an 'are you serious?' look.

"Awe gross not me!!!!" Robin nearly yelled.

"Oh, sorry dude," he paused "Alright now I'm serious, who is this soon to be boyfriend of Artemis'?!?"

"Roy Harper," Dick replied walking away with a smirk..

Is It Wally? (Spitfire Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now