Something Different

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Artemis rolled her eyes at the speedster as he walked out. 'oooh I'm Wally I'm such a mysterious bad boy' she mocked . 'he is just trying to jumble me up but that ain't gonna happen gingersnap.' She thought.

Wally knew Artemis wasn't the kind of girl to be easily persuaded.

"GAHHHH what was I thinking?!" Wally yelled at himself pacing in his room. "what am I gonna do? How am I going to fix this without being creepy and annoying and awkward and a total dork?" Wally started to,unknowing, increase the speed of his verbal panic attack. "Oh why why why did that have to happen? I can't believe it! Can I trigger her memory? Is that a plausible solution? If so, how? I don't want to manipulate her and be that big jerk. Will she ever be able to warm up to me again? What if she doesn't? Then what am I supposed to do? I mean I lo- like her." He took a deep breath and continued. "yeah yeah I like her that's it. I mean yeah she is cool, really smart, mystifying, dreamy....." he trailed off starting to swoon. "COME ON WALL MAN!" He yelled at himself again rubbing his temples in frustration.

"Yeah come on wall man!" A voice mocked him.

Wally quickly darted around to see Artemis, looking much better than she did about a week ago.

"Is that what you call yourself? Wall man?" He just looked at her flustered as his ears turned a bright red.

"Wow very creative." she rolled her eyes and kept going down the hallway. Her signature leather jacket zipped across the wall leaving a skidded mark.

"Yeah she's back to normal alright." he let out a sigh and walked out the door. he stopped when he noticed the mark the jacket had made. He dragged his hand across the black etches. She had made a mark not just on his door, but his heart. He had to get her memory back. But where does memory go when it's lost? A deep conner in the back of the mind? Wally didn't know but he swore to himself he would find out.

Wally strolled in the combat center to see everyone already standing and conversing.

"Woah did I miss anything?" Wally raised an eyebrow and approached the team and Black Canary.

"Yeah." Dick looked at him like he was a foreign radioactive element. "remember?"

"Uhhhhh no." Wally gave him a 'what?' Gesture with his hands.

"Well go suit up!" Art scolded him.

Wally turned around and sped away. 'wow now the whole team thinks I'm an idiot. Just what I needed.' The speedster was back in a seconds.

Black Canary cleared her throat and cracked her knuckles.

"Now that everyone is here, lets begin." She nonchalantly walked to the middle of the combat center. "Now during combat your opponent will learn to read you. Never use the same move more than twice. Today you will be making sure that never happens. While you will be sparring I will be examining every little move you make. I will pair you up and then the first group will get started." she surveyed the team and continued. "Robin, Superboy. You're up." she relocated herself to the edge of the computerized combat station. Robin and Superboy took their stances and began.

Artemis hated not knowing what happened. He entire life was spent not knowing what was going to happen next. This was just another sick part of her life. From how the team acted it sounded like her life was amazing. And of course, being just her luck, it goes up in smoke. Wally did act like it was he end of the world for him. 'wait were we? No.' She shook that thought out of her head. 'that would never happen.'

The sparring round ended with an angry Superboy on the ground with the status: Fail by his head.

"That was good, both of you. Superboy next time I would like you to vary from the classic punch to the face."

Conner groaned and got up dusting himself off. "Yeah, sorry."he mumbled walking away from the center.

"Don't apologize, just correct." She gave him a nod and a smile. "Next up, Aqualad and Miss Martian." they jogged their way to start sparring.
"Wally, Artemis, you're up next."

Wally did a small fist pump gaining the lovable smirk across his face. Artemis was perplexed by his actions. She knew that smirk meant trouble. What happened over the months she forgot?

Trying to take her mind off things, the archer concentrated on the quick agile moves Aqualad preformed.

She got lost in her own thought until Canary called her and Wally's name.
Wally was going to nail this. He thought that if he recreated a moment from her past them she would start to remember things. He, of course, knew this was a long shot but he had to try.

They took a stance and began. Artemis threw a punch to the face but Wally dodged to the left. He threw a punch of his own but she deflected it with and upwards motion. He kicked her in the side and she grunted. She spun and elbowed him in the gut. He stumbled backwards but regained his ready stance. Taking her chance, Art jumped up and spun kicking Wally's side. She landed and caught his hand and threw him down so he was face down. She grabbed his wrists and pulled them together. She pinned him down by straddling his back.

Of course being the super (not) genius speedster Wally was fully planning on this happening. In act he led it to end this way. He turned around looking Artemis strait in the eyes. "Well I must admit, you got me."
Wally's memory:

She swung over and pinned him down straddling him.

"Ha!" She laughed putting all her weight into pinning him down.

"Well I must admit," he looked strait into her eyes "you got me." he smirked.

(From the chapter: How to (Almost) Kiss the Girl)
For a second Wally could have swore he saw something change in her eyes. They stirred with questions.

Artemis' brain burst with information in a split second. They slowly faded frustrating her. 'NO!' She thought shaking her head.

Artemis got up form her position and held out her hand.

"Uh sorry." she said sternly, "for kicking your butt and all."

He took it smirking.

"No no I don't mind." He got closer to her and winked. They were interrupted by Black Canary clearing her throat.

"Do you need evaluations? Or do you want to keep doing that." she gestured to where Wally was touching Artemis' shoulder.

The archer furrowed her brow and growled. "Evaluations please."

The two turned and around and revived their 'not so critical evaluations'.

"Artemis great kick and pin down. Keep that up and you are sure to kick major butt." She gave her a genuine smile of approval then looked to Wally.
"Not your best work today, but I understand you were," she paused looking for the right word. "distracted." She nodded at him and turned to the rest of the team. "good job today. Expect more of this in the future." she gave them a last glance and left, boot heels clicking.

"Nice one sparring buddy." Wally tapped her nose and made a little 'boop' sound. He sped off hoping he didn't make too much of a fool out of himself.

"What the heck was that for Baywatch." she mumbled to herself and stormed the opposite way.

The sudden flash when she sparring jumbled up her brain. She had felt something...something different.

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