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Black canary did not go easy on them. The team slumped in the kitchen area exhausted. An entire week of all day, hardcore training.

"Team, we have been doing great. keep it up." Kaldur spoke and stood up. He walked with a lack of his usual poise.

Conner and M'gann went to go chill on the couch and watch episodes of Hello Megan for the millionth time. Which usually ends with them falling asleep hand in hand.

That left Robin, Wally and Artemis.

Awkwardly Robin glanced at the kitchen clock and it read 7:53 pm.
"Yeesh look at that." he pointed to the clock. "its past my bedtime. I'll leave you two alone."

"Bedtime?" Wally cocked an eyebrow at the kid.

"Yesss?" Robin said with uncertainty.
Artemis started to speak but he held up his finger silencing her. "no time to talk. only time for sleep." He may not have been acting that time because the boy looked exhausted. His shoulders drooped and large dark circles laid under his eyes. Robin shuffled his feet as he walked away, stopping to get a water.

Once Robin disappeared from sight Artemis turned to Wally. They were sitting across from each other. Wally on the couch and Artemis on the floor.

"Why exactly have you been acting so weird around me?" She asked.

He turned to her furrowing his brow.
"Weird? I'm not."

"I mean...a little. You keep doing stupid little things like the whole nose tap." She looked at him confused.

"Well that's the good ole' West charm." He smirked, his eyes gleaming. "Well the charm and that's just how I sometimes...goofy. It's kinda my thing."

She rolled her eyes and got up, crossing her arms. "I'm so sorry but it's my bedtime kid idiot." She yawned and continued walking. "West charm? Pft yeah right. I've meet criminals that have more charm than that idiot."

Wally sunk his head into his hands and let out a deep sigh. 'West charm? I really went with that one?' He thought scolding himself.

Felling exhausted both mentally, and physically, Wally got up himself. He sluggishly walked to his messy, teenage boy room. He threw on a pair of soft, flannel-like pajama pants. He pulled his shirt over his head and threw it in a pile on the floor. He groaned and fell face first into his pillow. It's been around two weeks since Artemis' memory was wiped away. The memories weren't gone, they'd be back...right? Right. He crawled under his covers turning into a comfortable position. He had a feeling he wouldn't sleep well tonight.

Artemis changed into her pajamas, black shorts and a baggy red tank top.
She was dead tired. As soon as she laid her blonde head on her fluffy pillow, she was out.
In Artemis' Dreams:

She and Wally were stationed outside a criminal workshop in the jungle. There motive was not clear, but the mission was not on their terms.

Bullets whizzed past Artemis head, barley missing her.

"Backup?" Artemis growled. Faster than she thought the red and yellow speedster swooped her up.

"Hey beautiful." Wally said, "fight crime here often?"

"No!" She yelled over the gun fire, "just find us cover!"

"Got it." he said slightly embarrassed. He rounded the corner and set her down behind a massive boulder. That didn't help. bullets still hit the Boulder with a loud TING!

Wally looked over at Artemis. "There are too many of them."

"Well it's not like we are just going to give up!" She whipped around the side of the Boulder and shot an explosive arrow.

"I would never expect you to." he said. "look I going to cause a distraction while you run to the bioship." his voice was calm and stern.

"NO WAY!" She smacked him. "get ahold of yourself! That's a suicide sentence! We are getting out of here together." she gave him another glare of anger.

"First of all OWWW!" He rubbed his reddened cheek. "Second, I'm going." He pulled her into a tight hug, not wanting to let go. eventually he turned around, gave her a wink, and sped to his obvious doom.

"WALLY!" She yelled after him, but it was too late. The speedster lay crippled on the ground. The gun fire had stopped as the goons cleared the way.

Artemis felt empty. She stood there, paralyzed. "No." she croaked. Hot, salty tears streamed down her face. She ran over to him throwing herself on top of his body. "WALLY!" She yelled sobbing over him. "stop being an idiot and come back." she managed between shaky sobs. She never got to tell him how she loved him.

Artemis sprung up from her bed sweat and tears wet her face.

"Wally." she whispered. She had to see him, alive and heart beating. Quietly she slithered out of bed and tiptoed out her door. She proceeded down the hallway to Wally's room. When she got there she slowly creaked the door open, poking her head through the crack.
"Wally?" She whispered.

Not being able to fall asleep yet Wally rolled over to look at the figure in his doorway. "yeah." he checked his clock. "it's one in the morning what are you doing in here?"

"Sorry." Artemis replied stepping in to his room.

"Oh, Artemis." he said surprised. 'what did I do now?' He thought. "Its totally fine. What's up?"

"Uh well you see," she walked over to his bed standing over him. Wally sat upright. "I-i um I had this dream, well it was more like a nightmare." she paused looking for the right words. "Can I lay with you...for a moment." she noticed he was shirtless and looked away blushing ferociously.

Wally was completely taken by surprise. He had a look of shock painted across his face. "Y-yeah sure." he patted the spot next to him.
She crawled over his legs and laid on top of the covers, turning to face the wall. Wally laid down himself and turned towards Artemis. He was glad he had a full sized bed.

After a moment Artemis shivered.

"Hey, you can get under the covers you know." Wally spoke softly.

Without saying a word she slowly slid under his warm fuzzy covers. Warmth instantly flowed through her. She made a purring like sound and nuzzled into his extra pillow.

After moments of silence Wally spoke. "do you... want to tell me your dream?"

She turned and faced him. "You died Wally. You died to save me." It was dark but Wally swore he saw a tear roll down her cheek.

"Woah Arty don't worry." he took her hand and put it above his heart. "look it's beating, I'm here."

She sniffed shakily. "I know it's just seeing you, like that, it wasn't fun Wally." she scooted a little closer to him. She took her hand off his chest and put it out in front of her.

He was so blinded by his nerves he didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry Arty." He softly grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to him. Artemis closed the space between them and nuzzled up to his shoulder. Her breathing slowed and her body went limp. Wally soon fell asleep right after her.

((Sorry kinda short >•< ))

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