How To (Almost) Kiss the Girl

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"He's not gone." Art told herself wiping her eyes. She sat down on her bed solemnly. "I already lost my sister I can lose my brother." roy wasn't blood related to Artemis but they might as well have been.

"Do you think I could go in now babe?" Wally asked M'gann. "She can't just run away."

"I think she needs time." M'gann sighed "I can't image how hard this must be for her. Losing her brotherly figure. From what I've noticed I don't think Art has a very good relationship with her family."

Wally hated hearing this. "That's it I'm going to talk to her, she's had an hour and a half to cool off. Hey M'gann will you keep Jinx company." he asked sympathetically.

"Yeah of course." she smiled and nodded then walked over to the couch where jinx was sitting.

"Ok wall man you've got this. You are an ultra suave ladies man." Wally said to himself walking down the bedroom hallway. When he approached the door he froze. 'just knock' he told himself. He struggled with himself to get the courage to knock, finally he did.

"Yeah." Arts voice seemed small coming through the cracks of her doors.

"I-it's me." Wally stumbled.

Art opened the door immediately.
"Hi Wallace." she sniffed.

"Since when do you call me Wallace?" he laughed warmly trying to make Artemis smile along with him.

She cracked a slight smile. "I am going to assume you want to come into my room." she opened her bedroom door wider inviting him in.

"oh...yeah." he walked in and she closed the door. Art sat on the floor and polished some of her favorite arrows. Wally sat down across from her. "I wanted to cheer you up." he smiled at her and picked up an arrow. "what's this one for?" He asked rolling it over in his hands.

"Funny you ask about that one." She smiled evilly. "That my friend is an arrow designed to shoot faster than you can run. I don't mean to brag but I made it myself."

"Ohh I see Art wants to catch herself a speedster." Wally smirked at her.

"Maybe." she chuckled. "do you want to test it out?"

"I would love to." he popped up off the ground with the arrow. "grab your bow." he motioned to the spot where her bow was mounted. When Artemis grabbed it Wally super sped to her picking her up bridal style.

"WEST!" She yelled confused.

He just laughed at her loving the way her hair flowed in the breeze of his speed. He could kiss her. He wanted to kiss her but he needed to find out if she liked him.

"You have arrived at your destination." he set her down in the gym.

"Next time," Art smoothed down her hair "warn me."

"What's the fun in that?" He laughed combing his hair with his fingers.

"You ready to run?" Art knocked her arrow and pulled back closing one eye.

"Oh yeah," he started to run in zig zags across the gym.

Artemis took a deep breath, aimed, and fired.

The arrow went so fast she couldn't even see it.

"Woah!" Wally fell to the ground captured in a net. "hey did someone order a handsome speedster?" He asked struggling with the net.

"Oh I did." Artemis jogged to Wally chuckling.

Wally was so glad he got her to laugh. He could have vibrated his molecules out of the net at anytime but he wanted to let her have the satisfaction of caching him.

"Say, Artemis are you up for some sparring tonight? I'm a little out of practice." he sat up still stuck in a net.

"How can I say no to such a desperate cry for help." she teased him.

"Fantastic! So about this net thing," he pulled on the net "are you going to do something with me? If not then I should probably get of this so we can spar tonight."

"You know I seriously considered dumping you Into Aqualad's pool but I suppose I can let you out." she pressed a button on a tiny remote and the net flew off of Wally and compressed together. Art picked up her arrow and put the net back in.

"Pretty cool gear." He got up and stretched. "so tonight, sparring. I'll pick you up at your door around 9."

"I think I can walk to the gym on my own but thanks Mr.Taxi." Art said semi sarcastically.

"Fair enough." he winked and sped her back to her room without another word.

When Wally got to his room he celebrated "WOHOOO!!! 9 tonight!" He pumped his fist.

It was 8:45 pm and Artemis was in the gym with black spandex shorts and a loose green tank top. She was going to kick his butt.

Wally sped in the gym with red sport shorts and no shirt on. "Heyy you're early." he said walking over to her.

"And so are you." Art turned around to see shirtless Wally. 'NO! I need to kick his butt! How am I supposed to do that when I have a distraction!' She though to herself.

"So you ready?" Wally said stretching his arm across his chest.

"Bring it Rudolf." she smirked devilishly.

He tried to throw a light punch but she ducked and kicked his side. "ow!" He teased. Wally kicked her legs out from under her feet and she fell lightly but then got up and grabbed his arm flipping him onto his back. She swung over and pinned him down straddling him.

"Ha!" She laughed putting all her weight into pinning him down.

"Well I must admit," he looked strait into her eyes "you got me." he smirked.
Wally was really enjoying himself now.

"Yeah." for some reason she didn't want to move. "I've got you pinned. What are you going to do about it?"

"This." He pushed his weight to one side so now he was pinning her down. "You've really got to stay alert."

"I guess so." she laughed staring up at him.

Man he wanted to kiss her. She looked so beautiful with her hair spread out around her head and her steel grey eyes piercing his emerald green ones. 'not yet' he told himself 'soon.' Wally didn't realize he was staring at Artemis.

"Uh Wally? Walllly? We've only been in this position for like 10 minutes." she wasn't even exaggerating.

He was still staring at her lost in his own thought.

"Ok I will just keep staring at your chiseled muscles and perfectly toned six pack."

Wally snapped back "Wh- oh sorry." he stopped pinning her arms down and then rolled off of her. "wait were you staring at my hot bod?" He laughed.

"WHAT?!? No..." she said defensively.

"Oh yeah I totally heard that part. it's ok though I don't blame you." He stood up and struck a dorky pose.

"Yeah ok baywatch." she stood up herself and smirked. "round two?"

"As long as you keep straddling me I'm cool with it." Wally smirked his dashing smirk and took a ready stance.

They sparred the rest of the night joking around and occasionally Artemis would pin him down again just for kicks and giggles. All of the sadness left Art and her troubles disappeared.

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