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Artemis had a hard time concentrating at school before her criminal dad threatened to murder her...pal. So let's just say she was distracted. She didn't even realize when the teacher called on her to answer.

"Ms. Crock?" The teacher snarled.

"Huh?" Artemis snapped back to reality. She hadn't realized she was lost in her own thought.

"If you would have been paying attention you would have known that I asked you what equation was Einstein most famous for?" Her teacher crossed the room and leaned on Artemis' desk.

"I-I'm sorry I don't know the answer to that." she looked enact to her to see Dick Grayson snickering. She gave him an 'are you serious?' look.

The teacher narrowed her eyes. "Very well then." With that she continued the lesson.

'Wally would have known the answer to that one' Artemis thought and buried her face in her hands. What was she supposed to do? She came to her conclusion and decided it was the best for Wally. She had to do what was best for him. even if that meant breaking his heart.

Dick noticed Artemis scowling at her desk. "hey." He whispered to her. "you alright?"

Artemis kept her gaze down. "yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" He questioned. "because it looks like you are trying to burn a hole through your desk Superman style." he gave her a playful smile. Artemis huffed with a grin.

"Yeah whatever Robin." Artemis wasn't supposed to know his secret identity but it was too obvious not to notice the similarities. She had always been suspicious about the two figures being the same person. When she heard Dick Grayson's laugh she instantly knew it was the same as her fellow teammates. Robin and Dick Grayson became the same person.

"Shhhh! Not so loud!" He said frantically looking around he room although no one was paying them any attention.

"Chill. You're fine." she chuckled. Only Dick Could make her laugh when she was dealing with a situation like this.

After school Artemis went strait home. No cave stops. She couldn't do this to Wally. But she couldn't let him get hurt because of her. She groaned and plopped down on her bed. She laid there for what seemed like seconds before but in reality it was a few hours. Time was not being kind to her. She glanced at her phone and saw a missed message from Wally. She clicked on them and read with a sinking heart.

Wally: Hey! I noticed you weren't at the cave. Got any science homework? ;)

She closed her phone and threw it onto the bed parallel to hers. Chesire's. Why did her family have to be so abnormal? They weren't just abnormal they were insane. What kind of dad threatens to kill his daughters boyfriend? Well, literally.

She gathered her thoughts and changed out of her school uniform. Artemis threw on yoga pants and a green shirt and headed to the Zeta transporter. She hopped in as the computer recognized her. She took a deep breath as she felt herself being zoomed to another location. When she entered the cave it appeared to be empty. "Well if no one is here." she whispered trying to avoid an upcoming awkward situation. She whistled "alrighty then looks like I'll be going."

"But you just got here." a familiar playful voice whined. Wally.

"Don't you ever go home?" She groaned and turned to his direction, keeping her head down. she knew that if she met his emerald eyes she would lose it.

"Well I do, but I was waiting for a certain someone. So I decided to stay a bit longer. He moved a little closer to her and smiled. Artemis' heart raced at his presence but now was her chance and she had to take it.

"Wally." she breathed in shakily. "there is something I have to tell you." She stared at Wally's shoes that were moving closer to hers.

"Hey, what's wrong, beautiful?" He lifted her chin up with his finger. Artemis kept her gaze away.

"There is no easy way to do this-" she choked on her words. "but whatever we had, its over." She couldn't help but look at him but she immediately regretted it. His expression dropped as his face started to go pale. His eyes were as wide as saucers and they resembled glass. "A-Artemis?" He looked at her as if she were his long lost puppy; with disbelief. He gently grabbed her wrists but she stopped him.

"No." Artemis said as she pushed his hand away. "This is for your own safety." she broke her gaze and turned around. "You're just my teammate now. I'm sorry." she walked through Te tube without another word. Dread washed through her entire body as she glanced sideways at his sunken features.

Wally felt as if he had been hit by a truck. This made no sense. Just yesterday they were happily eating on the beach, together, and now they were broken up? That was completely out of the blue. What was with the 'for your own safety' part? This wasn't the Artemis he knew and had come to love. This was someone else's words being forced into her mouth and Wally knew it. He had gained quite a skill for analyzing Artemis. When she lied, he knew. When she was uncomfortable, he knew. When she was forced to do something, he knew. Wally was not going to look over this. The fact that she had broken up with him still remained. His first real relationship was gone in two days. 'What kind of loser lets a girl like Artemis just zeta away like that?' He thought. 'That wasn't Artemis.' Wally reminded himself. 'That was someone else. Her eyes just weren't the same. Her whole aura wasn't the same.' Wally slowly made it to the zeta tubes himself and went home with one thing on his mind; Artemis.
AN: Shorter chapter but I'm on vacation so I've had no time to write! I am so sorry!

Love and arrows,

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