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Barley conscious Art whimpered in excitement as she saw Wally slip through the door. It wasn't like Artemis to feel so weak and defenseless. She was usually the kick ass girl who isn't afraid of anything. However it wasn't like the scenarios with her dad where he only used a rope to tie her to a chair. This torture brought her back to her hellish childhood. Art grimaced when jinx popped up behind of Wally. 'great' she thought weakly.

When Wally saw Jinx his first thought was to kick that smug smirk off of her face, but he had to play it cool.

"So, run away often?" Wally asked leaning in the doorway of the docks storage room.

"Not as often as you." Jinx emphasized every single word as she drew closer to him.

Feeling slightly nervous Wally replied with a smile. "Ya know it's kind of a speedster thing."

"How charming." jinx grabbed Wally by the arm and pulled him into a forceful kiss. As his eyes widened in complete disgust Wally shoved her off of him.

"What the hell are you doing?!?!" He yelled.

Jinx stumbled backwards anger filling her. "What do you mean?!" She growled back.

"Look jinx you are kind of a psychotic." Wally signaled the team to enter mentally.

"Me?" Jinx laughed histaricly " a phsycopath?" She turned to Artemis. Wally followed her gaze and jumped at her condition. He had to go get her.
He started to speed but Jinx snapped her fingers and a forcefield formed around Artemis. Wally slammed into the pink sparking bubble and fell backwards groaning.

"If you want a psycho I'll give you one" jinx hopped into the forcefield with Artemis and pulled on her ponytail viciously. The rest of the team swooped in and quickly surveyed the situation. Wally quickly popped up and joined the rest.

"She's got Artemis." Wally held back a sob looking at the bruised and bloody archer.

"And you're not getting her back." Jinx snapped at the team. Artemis struggled with the last of her might but every movement she made sent a charge of sparks through her whole body causing her to yelp. Jinx raised her arms as a massive ball of pink electricity grew. When it reached its peak of growing Jinx slammed it down to Artemis. Her desperate cries ringed through the air.

"ARTEMIS!" Wally screamed tears threatening to pour over his cheeks. "What are we doing jut standing here?!?! How do we take her down." Wally said franticly. He seriously considered running right at the vortex and smashing jinx's face in.

"Well the vortex runs off of electricity. If electromagnetic pulses shut down electric machines..." Robin smirked looking up at the vortex "then the shield will bust."

"So any EMP emitters in your utility belt?" Superboy asked.

Robin hurriedly searched his utility belt as another one of Artemis' screams filled the wear house. Wally cringed and looked away not bearing to see Artemis' condition. Wally let out a low growl.

"Could you hurry up?!?" Wally yelled.

"Ya Ya give me a- AHA!" Robin pulled out a small disc and tapped the top and tossed it at the shield.

"Oh by the way the force wil-" Dick was interrupted by a massive BOOM! Smoke filled the structure making it impossible to see your hand stretched out in front of you. The fog cleared, trickling away. Wally sprinted to the busted forcefield and darted his eyes to the limp bodies of Jinx and Artemis. Heart pounding Wally leaned down to Arty and listened for a heart beat. 'Nothing....NOTHING!' Wally panicked and listened again... still nothing, a tear trickled down his cheek. To his relief a faint thump rang in her chest. That small heartbeat was followed by another...and another. Wally made a large sigh of relief and chuckled in relief. Wally swooped Artemis up bridal style and slowly kissed her bloody forehead.

The speedster walked back to the team.
"Does someone want to get that ugly traitor outta here?" Wally gestured his head to the unconscious Jinx.

"Got it." Miss Martian levitated her body and inclosed it in an makeshift prison. "this should definitely hold her."

Wally grinned wide at the archer in his arms, happy to have her back where she belonged...with him.

"And yet another successful mission." Kaldur grinned and lead the team to the bioship.

The entire ride on the bioship Wally gazed at the archer. Her whole body was covered in ash, cuts, bruises and blood. Artemis was always tough as nails and to see her like this made the whole team realize she wasn't just that, she was vulnerable, human.

"How long do you think she will be unconscious?" Wally asked looking worriedly at Robin.

"I don't know, depends. could be hours, days, maybe even weeks." dick replied with a small shrug.

"Weeks?!?" Wally replied loudly.

"Hey I'm just giving you the answer to your question." Robin raised his hands defensively.

"Yeah yeah sorry." Wally said sympathetically. "I'm just a little amped up right now."

Robin smirked at him knowing how the speedster felt. that was one of the many perks of being trained by the bats.

Wally took a long stare at Artemis and his eyes softened. He was sure she had broken a rib or two.

When the bioship parked at Mount Justice Wally jumped up and carried Artemis to the cave's medical room. He set her down gently on her cot and pulled up a stool next to her. He grabbed her hand and examined it. Other than her busted knuckles her hands were soft and smooth. Which is totally unusual for an archer. He set her hand down when dicks familiar voice came from the doorway.

"Hey," Dick said, "don't worry, she's gonna be fine. Bats is gonna be here soon and he will get her the medical attention she needs."

Wally slid on his stool turning around. "thanks man. I hate to see her like this." he glanced back at Artemis and then to Robin.

"Yeah, I must admit it is a little quiet without her constant sarcasm and mockery." Dick chuckled at his own joke.

"Yeah." Wally smiled at Artemis. Before walking out he kissed her hand and squeezed it.

"Get better soon blondie."

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