Roy Harper

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"Uhh arty?" A soft knock was placed on her door.

"What?" She mumbled

"You kind of need to go back to the rest of the meeting. Someone else is joining the team." Robin spoke softly.

'Great!' Artemis thought sarcastically in her head.

She sat up from her chair and walked out her bedroom door. "It better be someone good boy wonder," she scolded robin.

"Ya about that," he scratched the back of his head.

Artemis didn't want to hear another word so she stomped passed a nervous looking robin.

Filled with new anger she completely forgot about Jinx.

When she walked in they were still holding each other.

"Kid swear you are the nicest guy ever!" jinx laughed and wally took her hand leading her over to the couch.

"Uh Artemis?" M'gann asked.

The archer was staring at at the two "lovebirds" with clenched fists so tight even batman would know not to mess with her.

"Artemis!" M'gann spoke a little louder this time.

"Wh- oh sorry, just spacing out." she shook her had as to clear the memory.

"If you are alright then I would like you to invite Roy onto the team." Kalder spoke softly.

"Wait you mean Red Arrow?" she practically yelled.

"I guess someone is excited to see me." roy spoke coming out of the zeta tubes.

"Ya, the team really needed a better archer," she crossed her arms whipping around to look at him.

"Hey!" Wally came racing over, "stop dissing Roy!"

"Wh- I'm not!" artemis spoke in an annoyed tone.

"It's ok Wally." he pushed back the speedster without any trouble. "I just need to speak with Artemis."

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