Lost people and new people

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Fury had contacted me not long ago to check up on a town called 'Westview' apparently a lot of people had gone missing around the area, and even though S.W.O.R.D had sent someone to check on them there was something about the new Director that Fury did not like so he sent me in to investigate the situation.

As I park my cruiser motorbike I see a medium height man, with black hair who is wearing a dark blue jacket speaking with some local sheriffs, once he sees me parking my bike he turns around and walks towards me, I see his badge around his neck.  

"James E. Woo, FBI," he says doing a card trick as he introduces himself.

"Y/N L/N, private organization," I say taking his card examining it.

"I wasn't expecting a private organization to show up for this," he asks looking rather confused.

"It's complicated" he nods as he seems to understand, "So what seems to be happening here, Agent Woo?" 

He explains how he had spoken with a witness from Westview but it seemed he disappeared, he explained how he contacted relatives, and strangely enough none of them had ever heard of the missing person. 

"Seriously?" I asked confused, he nodded. He then explained how he came all the way here to see what was happening and when he went to talk to local law enforcement he encountered something peculiar.

He nudges his head towards the sheriffs and walked towards them so I followed him, "Pardon me sheriff" he said loudly, "Would you mind repeating your claim about Westview to my colleague here?"

"There is no such place," one of the sheriffs said, I looked at the sheriff then at Agent Woo confused, and back at the sheriff.

"So you mean to tell me the town of Westview, New Jersey doesn't exist?" he nodded.
"It's what I keep telling your G-Man here, but he won't listen," he said annoyed, I took a deep breath and sight
"Alright, would you mind telling me what town you are from?"
"Eastview," he said.

Agent Woo and I thanked the sheriffs for their time and turned around walking back to my bike

"I tried to contact the numbers of the residents but nothing" I took a deep breath and pulled out a booklet.

"So you are telling me there is no way of reaching people that are inside and anyone outside is suffering from some sort of amnesia?" I asked writing everything we knew so far down.

"This isn't a missing person's case Ms. L/N, it's a missing town," he said in a rather concerned tone.

"It seems that way" I respond, looking at him with the same concern on my face, we both then turn to look at the town sign, "Population 3,892," we say in unison.

I look at him with a half-smile confusion and worry painted on my face. An SUV car then shows up parking behind my bike, from it a dark-skinned, quite tall, curly-haired woman shows up; she was wearing a S.W.O.R.D uniform and I easily recognize her.

"Captain Rambeau," I say walking up to her and shaking her hand.

"Agent L/N long time no see, interesting to meet once again in such circumstances" I nod.
"This is Agent Woo from the FBI," I say pointing at him as he shakes her hand handing her a card.

He then goes into explaining the issue to Monica, I stay behind taking down notes and ideas of what might be happening but are met by none, even with everything I have seen in my years as a spy a case where a full town had gone missing, there was no way of contacting them and anyone from the outside forgot about them had never happened.

I decide to join Monica and Woo's conversation once they stopped talking with the sheriffs. 

"Why haven't you gone inside to investigate?" she asks Woo.
"Cause it doesn't want me to," he says and strangely enough I understand what he means, the town gives a strange feeling, "Nobody's supposed to go in," he says as we all look at the town. 

Monica then takes out a drone from her SUV and asks Woo about him, he starts explaining his childhood story, where he came from, and how he wasn't like other kids, I chuckled at his response.

"No, no, no, no. I mean why is it that you have an awareness of Westview?" she explains.
"Or us for that matter?" I add, "It could be because we are outside of a certain radius?" I suggest. "Or maybe because we don't have a personal connection?" she responds, I nod taking those ideas down in my booklet.

We turn to look at the camera in her drone to see the connection has been lost, and we look up to see the drone is nowhere to be seen.

"Wait, where did it go?" Monica asks walking towards where it was last seen.
"It was right there," Woo says pointing at where it was.
"I don't understand, what happened to it?" I say confused following her.

She walks all the way towards the border of the town, Woo and I stay behind, she looks up shocked.

"What is it?" Woo and I ask.

"Some sort of energy field," she says looking around.
"Careful, Rambeau," Woo says as she reaches her arm towards the energy field touching it. "Monica please be careful," I say worried, she gets closer and closer to it.

"Monica!" we both shout as she is grabbed into the town by the energy force.

"Monica!" I shout walking closer to the energy field almost touching it but Agent Woo grabs my wrist pulling me back.

"Be careful! You saw what it did to Captain Rambeau" I nodded.
"You are right, sorry" he shakes his head giving me a soft concerned smile.
"Nothing to be sorry for, just be careful"

Hey there comrades! I hope you liked this chapter!! I did write it today yay!!! I hope you guys liked the beginning of the story, I'm going to try and add extra scenes with you and Jimmy that are not shown in the show, I also wonder what I'm going to do with Y/N, will she get stuck in the Hex? Will she not? Who knows, I just hoped you guys liked the chapter!! Stay tuned for the next one!!

Lots of love, Author.

Dear Marvel: Please give Jimmy his own show, he deserves it and all the fans would love it, period.

Edited: 10/03/21~ 22/07/21

Magic Tricks, finding the Hex and falling in love? (Jimmy Woo x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now