Chats, undercover, and disaster

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Play the song when I tell you guys too!!


We carefully walked to the base making sure no one saw us, we walk into the place, the show still on, the re-cast Pietro talking to Wanda, "Who's that?" Monica asked looking at him, "Wanda's brother came to town" Jimmy explained, "He brought the wrong face" Darcy adds, "He seems nice though" I say walking past the TV, 

"Over here," Jimmy said guiding us to where the computers were, Darcy opened one of the computers as she started doing her work, "We shouldn't hang out here for too long," Monica told us, and I nod, "Just give me two seconds. I need to hack into the secure network on the base" Darcy explained, I stand up remembering I left something in my pocket from my last mission, "Here, this should make it easier, it allows you to hack into anything" I say handing her a USB, as I take it out I realize it has dried blood on it and I quickly wipe it off

"Thanks," she says taking it and using it, Jimmy and Monica look at each other and then at me concerned as I take a seat, "What? It was for a mission" I tell them, "I'm just a bit concerned about what the mission was about for a USB to have blood" Jimmy says, "I was just getting stuff done and people had to interfere" Jimmy looks at me not convinced, "Really?", "You wanna hear the story then?"

~~~~Flashback~~~~start playing the song

I quickly typed into the computer as I heard footsteps coming, the door opened and 5 spies entered the room, they come rushing at me and I press enter turning around starting to fight them, I take the first one out by hitting his stomach making him bend down as I grab his neck and push him towards the desk hitting his head on it, 

I then dodge a jab that was thrown at my face and kicked the other spy in the ankle pushing him making him fall backward and then hitting him in the stomach, the next guy comes at me with a taser and I push it off his hand with a sidekick and then hit him with a hook and then go to grab the taser as I use it to take out the 4th guy, 

The 5th one charges at me a pocket knife in his hand, he manages to cut a bit of my cheek as I dodge the knife, he pushes me towards the desk the knife almost touching my chest, I put my hands on his wrist twisting it and taking the knife from him as I cut him across the neck and he falls on the floor

I go to grab the USB now that the information had been stolen, some blood from the fight had landed on it but I had the leave the place before more spies came so I grab my jacket and put the USB in its pocket

Once I arrive home I quickly head to take a shower due to my clothes and some body parts being covered in blood, as I come out of the shower I get a call from Fury informing me about the situation in Westview and how I need to get there as soon as possible, so I quickly get changed and put my jacket on grabbing the keys to my cruiser motorbike hoping on it and driving off to Westview, New Jersey.

~~~~End of Flashback~~~~

"You killed them?" Jimmy asked once I finished telling them what had happened, "Only like 2 of them", "Donezo," Darcy said informing us she was able to hack in the network, "Now we should be able to access the data on Hayward's devices" she explained, "Oh. That's interesting" we move to look at the screen, "Guys, Hayward figured out a way to look through the boundary" she moves as Jimmy and I look at the map in the screen

"And he didn't share it with the group," I say, Monica also walks to look at the computer, "Is that Wanda, right here," Jimmy asks pointing at a red dot in the map, "No. The program is tracking the decay signature of vibranium" Darcy explains, "Vision. Wait. Why is Hayward tracking Vision?" Monica asks

"I don't know. This is all I can access so far" Darcy explains, "Those other dots" I ask, " Are they Westview residents?" Jimmy says finishing the question for me, "The ones in Vision's immediate vicinity, yes" Darcy explains, "Hayward must have an accurate headcount by now" I point out, "And some sense of their well-being" 

Magic Tricks, finding the Hex and falling in love? (Jimmy Woo x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now