Lost information and 2nd member

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I woke up in the middle of the night to the room phone ringing, I slowly move Jimmy's arms off me as I stood up to grab the phone half asleep, "Hello, how can I help you?" I respond with waiting for a response, my eyes then widen at what I'm told and the end of the line is then ended,

I put the phone down and turn to wake Jimmy up, "Jimmy..." I softly say moving my hand to his cheek, he's such a deep sleeper, "Jimmy, you need to wake up something happened" I tell him louder this time and he quickly sits up worried, "Are you okay? What happened?" he asks me looking around,

"I'm fine" I begin to tell him, "But I just got a call that Synthia was found dead," I tell Jimmy and he looks at me shocked, "The woman we talked to yesterday?" he asks and I nod, "She was found dead on the road" I explain to him as I go to the closet and put a jacket on,

Jimmy stands up and also goes to grab a jacket, I go inside the bathroom and wash my teeth and Jimmy eventually joins me,

We then leave the room and get in Jimmy's car driving off to the asylum where Synthia was found outside.

Once we arrive Jimmy and I get out of the car, I go to talk to the police while Jimmy goes to check Synthia's body, "What happened?" I ask the sheriff, "I was in my car and I saw her outside shouting and saying how 'they were going to come for her' and she 'needed help' and then something like thunder hit her and she was down" the man explains,

I look at him surprised, "She talked?" I ask him and he nodded, "Sir the body is gone!" another police says shouting, I look at him confused, "What body?" I ask him, "Dana's body," he tells me,

Jimmy then comes up to us, "Can we ask you some questions?" Jimmy says walking next to me, "We need to go" I tell him as I take his wrist moving him away, "Someone stole Dana's body of the morgue" I tell him and he looks at me shocked, 

"What they stole the corpse?" Jimmy asks me as I get in the car, "They did, we need to head to the motel" I tell Jimmy as he starts driving off.

As we arrive at the motel there are police cars parked around it, me and Jimmy storm out of the car showing our identification to the police who approached us, I see Lucy with the kids standing outside, 

As we rush to our room we see the windows have been broken, the door is torn down and everything on the inside that might be essential to the investigation has been taken,

"No...no!" I shout as I rush inside the place trying to see if there's something left, but I found nothing, "No! This can't be happening" I shout and I hear Jimmy walking towards the room, "They took everything" I say turning to look at Jimmy who's now standing at the door, "Damnit" he says looking down,

I start hearing a faint 'bip' coming from the floor so I looked down and to my surprise found a strange object under the table, I took it and once I started inspecting it I saw a timing of six seconds on it, my eyes widened as I realized it was a bomb and I throw it away and it drops on the floor as I panicked,

"We need to leave now!" I shout at Jimmy, I run towards him and I wrap my arms around him pushing both of us away from the room as the bomb goes off, 

Jimmy and I are blown away by the explosion and harshly land on the ground Jimmy on top of me, I take a moment to open my eyes, my head hurting due to the landing, "Are you okay?" me and Jimmy ask each other and we both chuckle nodding, "Oh, sorry" Jimmy says as he carefully stands up, 

"It's okay, really," I tell him and he takes my hands helping me up, "Y/N, Your arms are bleeding," Jimmy tells me and I look over at my arms to see some cuts and bruises on it, "Oh, well that's not our priority right now. It seems someone is really trying to keep us away from finding out the truth about this case" I point out

Jimmy shakes his head inspecting my arms, "We need to disinfect the wounds Y/N" he tells me worried but I shake my head, "It really isn't important", "Well it is to me, you can't go around with open wounds which are going to get inspected, not on my watch"

I smile at Jimmy shaking my head, "We have bigger things to worry about right now Jimmy" I tell him, "Let me take care of it when we have time then, okay?" he asks me and I nod, "Fine" I say looking around,

"God, what are we going to do now," I say looking over at the destroyed room, "We'll figure something out Y/N," Jimmy tells me and I nod, a girl then approaches us worried, "Excuse me, I'm Bianca Jones, you need to help me," she says, I look at Jimmy concerned and then turn back to her, 

"You are one of Dana's kids?" I ask her and she nods, "Come with us," Jimmy says as we walk to his car, "I have a first aid kit in my car Y/N," he tells me and I nod.

We then drive off to the breakfast place we went to on our first day here, the girl looked very nervous and I don't blame her, "How did you escape?" I ask her and she looks at me confused, "What do you mean?", "Well, your family was all taken, by who? And where were you?" I ask her, "I was never taken, I was just hiding" she explains to me and I nod, 

Once we arrive at the place we go to look for a table, Jimmy was carrying the first aid kit, and once we found a table Jimmy and I seat together while Bianca sat in front of us. Jimmy opened the first aid kit and he gently took my left arm,

I turned to look at him and he smiled at me as he started to take out the things to disinfect the injuries, "I don't remember much of what happened that night, but I know something got inside the house, I hid inside my closet, so I wasn't able to see who they were" she starts explaining,

I nod as I listen to her, "Ow" I say as Jimmy disinfect the open cut, "Sorry" he tells me giving me an apologetic smile, "No, it's okay" I say smiling at him, "But they came back, a day after they took my family, for me. That's why I've hidden, I know they are coming for me, and I need help" she tells us as she starts to panic,

"Hey you have nothing to worry about, we will do whatever we can to protect you," I tell him, I feel as Jimmy is wrapping some bandage around my arm, "Y/N is right, we'll make sure to help you," he says.

Hey there guys here's the new chapter!!! I think it took me a little longer than usual to upload it but I hope you all liked what happened in the chapter!! I've come up with this really good plot for the future of the story and I'm really excited for all of you to read it!!! Thank you so much for the support again!!

Lots of love, Author.

Okay but lately I've been missing getting Jimmy content more than usual, like I'm sorry Marvel but I need an announcement soon where you tell us about his own series X-Files liked otherwise I'll just continue writing it myself

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