The Sodder Case Part 2

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The drive back to the town was very enjoyable and lively, the radio was playing some music 40's music in the background while Jimmy and I conversed, we were talking about anything and everything, constantly switching the topics as they connected with each other; what started as a chat about the incidents that took place during the 1940s quickly turned into a talk about whether coffee was better than tea, and gladly Jimmy agreed with me.

"Well coffee is definitely better," he said as he turned to look at me, the car halt as we waited for the traffic light to change, "I mean, there is a large variety and it energizes you, what else could you ask for?" he explained and I nodded agreeing with him, "Exactly! The only thing you get out of tea is relaxation, I don't have time for that" I added and he chuckled shaking his head.

Jimmy then started talking about all the times he stayed up drinking coffee while he was taking care of a case and I couldn't help but just stare at him while he talked, his face showing how passionate he felt about the topic, his smile appearing every now and then, that sparkle in his eyes always present, I enjoy listening to him talking about things he loves.

"I do love some cappuccino, what about you?" he asked me and I snapped of my small trance as I hummed, "What's your favorite type of coffee?" he mentioned as he started driving again, "Oh that's a hard question, maybe black coffee just because it's a classic," I say and he nods looking ahead, "Fair point, so this store looks nice, you want to look for a journal here?" he asks me and I turn to look at the place.

It is quite small but seems welcoming and intriguing, a medium-size light blue sign that read 'Little Mysteries' in it, "Yeah it seems like a really nice store" I add as he starts parking the car, the stores around are also very nice, obviously old-style for us but it makes them even more likable.

Once Jimmy turns the car off and we both get out walking towards the store, the weather was very fresh, slightly cloudy but not too cold, a winter breeze gently moving my hair.

Jimmy opens the door for me and a small bell is heard as he pushes the door open, "Welcome to little mysteries, how may I help you?" the woman at the front desk asks us, she seems quite young, couldn't be possibly older than 18, she has short brown hair falling at her shoulders, a bright smile placed at her face which makes you feel very welcomed.

"We are looking for some journals," Jimmy tells her and she nods standing up walking to the left, "Over here you should be able to find a variety of journals, do let me know if you need any assistance" she explains, Jimmy and I smile at her as we thank her and walk to the left stands as I start looking around some booklets,

"Do you have an idea of what kind of booklet you want?" Jimmy asks me as he looks around the books. I shake my head, I have no idea what booklet I want they all seem very nice but I want one that feels right for the job.

I keep looking around spotting a couple of nice ones but not the right one yet, there are some pretty floral ones, or some simple black booklets but they just don't feel right.

That is until I see it, placed at the top right corner of the shelf, the notebook I'm looking for that will be perfect for the job; It is a dark grey color, with gold frames around it, and a drawing of a shadow in the middle of it.

I go to grab it and as I do my hand falls on top of Jimmy's, I look at him surprised as I chuckle, did we really just go for the same book? I mean what are the chances! He takes it and hands it to me, "I think we both liked the same booklet" I say taking it and looking up at Jimmy, "Well they do say great minds think alike, and it reminded me of you, " he explains, I smile at his words my cheeks now slightly pink, "I guess they do" I add.

"Would you look at that, it seems you've found the thing you were looking for, is that right?" I look back to see the cashier behind us, when did she get there? I swear she was all the way back at the front desk just a second ago.

"I think we did," I say turning around to look at Jimmy giving him a confused look, and he looks back at me confused as well smiling and shaking his head, "Wonderful, let me take that to the desk and put it in a bag for you," she says as she takes the booklet from me and walks away.

"Well that was strange," Jimmy says and I nod still looking at her, "She's certainly an interesting character" I point out and Jimmy nods laughing, "She is. Now we have your perfect booklet, so we can continue the case" he adds and I nod.

We both walk to the front desk and I go to take out some money but Jimmy stops me, "I told you I would get it for you" he says taking money out as he smiles at me, I shake my head chuckling, "That will be $4" the cashier says smiling as she hands me the bag with the journal inside of it, Jimmy hands her the money and we both thank her as we step out.

"Do you want to get some lunch now, my treat?" I say as we walk around the plaza, "Sure, I've never had any food from the '40s" Jimmy says, and I laugh, as we walk to look for a place to eat.

~~~~Time skip brought to you by Jimmy's excitement of being in the 40s~~~~

It was now 11:30 pm, Jimmy and I were standing outside the Sodder house in the car, music playing in the background as we waited to see what would happen, wondering whether that very suspicious person would show up to prove everyone's conclusion correct.

We had some very well-researched theories and hypotheses about what will happen in a couple of hours, we spend the whole lunch and afternoon going over the file we were given on the case and taking notes of any key information and things that might come useful to us.

"Have you seen anything?" Jimmy asks me and I shake my head, "Nothing, I'm sure we'll see something soon though, so we should stay alert" I tell him and he nods, we both sit back and I go through the notes I have made on my new journal.

"Don't stress too much Y/N, we got this" Jimmy says smiling at me and I smile back at him, "I know, I still can't help but worry" I tell him as I close the journal and put it down, "How about we talk about something else then? For example, what case would you like to solve now that we got ourselves into this?"

I look at Jimmy as I start to think, there are so many unsolved cases it's hard to choose one, then again the case of Jack the Ripper is probably one of the most mysterious murder cases ever, "Maybe the case of Jack the Ripper" I tell Jimmy and he nods, "That case is a great option, I think personally I need to try and solve the case of JFK, it's just necessary" he says and I nod chuckling.

"What's funny?" he asks me, "Nothing, I just like listening to you talking about things you are passionate about," I say smiling at him, he smiles back at me, and I can see he's slightly flustered by the comment.

We then the sound of some metal clashing with each other, Jimmy and I move to look outside and we see a shadow next to the cars of the Sodder family, "Can you see who it is?" Jimmy asks me as he moves closer to try and see who's outside, "Not really not, he seems tall and slim, could possibly be the salesman" I tell Jimmy as I move closer to the window trying to make out more of how he looks.

Then I hear a knock at the other window, "What are you doing?"

Hey there guys!! Here's the new chapter!! I honestly loved writing this chapter so I hope you enjoyed it as well!! Thank you again so much for your support with this story! I will try and get the next chapter as soon as possible it might take longer than usual due to me starting finals!

Lots of love, Author.

You cannot tell me that Jimmy doesn't love Captain America, I don't know why but I came up with this headcanon and I know it's true, he loves Captain America

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