A superhuman and the magician

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Jimmy's POV

"Y/N!" I shout as I see Y/N fall to the floor unconscious, I try to make it towards her forgetting that I have a gun to my head, "Watch it, lover boy" the agent tells me pushing the gun closer to my face, "You wouldn't want to die and leave your girl behind now would you?" he asks me mocking the situation I'm in right now, it takes me everything not to punch him in the face

"Watch it, Smith, Hayward wants them alive," An agent says walking up to us, "Sorry sir," Smith said removing the gun from my head, "Now get them on the car," the superior said and the other agents take Y/N as Smith takes me to their car

Once we are in the agent places me on the left seat of the car and leaves, then the other two get in with Y/N still unconscious and a third one joined us, they go to sit her opposite me but I stopped them, "Please at least let her sit next to me" I tell them and they roll their eyes as they sit her next to me harshly hitting her head to the car, "Thanks" I said sarcastically, Y/N's head seemed fine so I didn't worry too much. 

Eventually, her head moved to lay on my shoulder and I just smiled at her moving closer, making sure she was okay and comfortable, the agent shut the door and we drive away, "So are you two like married?" one of the agents asked, I looked at him surprised by the question and had no idea how to respond to it

"You can't ask them things like that dude?" the other agent said hitting the first one in the arm, "What? They look like an old-married couple- Not implying that either of you are old but you two just give that couples vibe" the agent explained and I just chuckled, "They are obviously not married just going out," the second one said disagreeing with him, this really was the last thing I expected to happen right now

"No way," the third one said, "I bet they haven't even confessed to each other yet," the other two laughed at him shaking their head's, "Please they are definitely together," the first one said and the second one nodded, "Wanna bet? I put $100 that they aren't together," the third one said and the other two chuckled, "I put $100 they are married then," the first one said, "My money is on them going out," the second one said, the three of them looked at me expectantly, "So which one is it?"


"Which one is it?" I softly hear as I open my eyes and move my head which for some reason hurts as well as my neck, "Y/N you are awake" Jimmy said smiling, I look up to see his face very close to mine and I realize my head is laying on his shoulder, I blush as I move away, "What happened?" I ask him looking around the see we are inside a car 3 agents in front of us

"After you passed out they moved us into the car, we are heading towards the base now" Jimmy explained to me and I nodded until a shot of pain came from my head and my neck making me close my eyes, "You okay?" Jimmy asked me moving closer concerned, I carefully nodded, "I'm fine, my head just hurts and my neck is killing me" I explain to him

"How far away do you think we are?" I ask him, "About 10 to 15 minutes maybe more" one of the agents explains, "You should rest a bit, you took a hard hit," Jimmy said and I looked at him unsure, "You sure?" I asked him and he nodded giving me a soft smile, "Yeah you weren't out for that long" he said in a very soft and smooth voice, god this man is really going to be the death of me if he keeps being this cute

"Thanks", "No worries Missy," he says winking and smiling at me, I chuckle at the new nickname smiling and laying my head on his shoulder once again closing my eyes, since when is he such a flirt? And what's up with this new nickname?

"Awww" I hear the agents say I open my eyes to see them looking at us, "You two are so cute," the three of them say, then they start discussing whether me and Jimmy are married, going out, or still not something, I look up at Jimmy confused, "What is going on?" I ask him, he rolls his eyes and shakes his head, "I have no idea" he tells me I chuckle and close my eyes once again drifting off and feel Jimmy lay his head on top of mine.

Magic Tricks, finding the Hex and falling in love? (Jimmy Woo x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now