Looking for friends and discovering a program

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It had been around 24 hours since Monica was taken by the town, Woo had gotten in contact with the FBI which had then gotten in contact with S.W.O.R.D about the situation, after 5 hours they installed in front of the town, as well as contacting different scientists and people to help figure out what was going on. 

I sat in an office I was given going over the notes I had made and trying to figure out more, "L/N, you doing okay?" Woo said knocking on the wall and coming in taking a seat next to me, "Just stressed" I said pinching the top of my nose, "I have no leads, nothing." I dropped my pen on the desk irritated, "Don't stress too much L/N, I'm sure we'll figure out something soon" he said patting my back

"Y/N is fine, there is no need to be so formal if we are going to be working in this case together" he smiles and nods, "Then you can just call me Jimmy, that's what my friends call me" I smiled back at him, "You want a cup of coffee? It would probably help you relax a bit," he asked, "Sure, coffee sounds nice, I don't think I had one this morning"

"I need an old-style non-flat T.V in here now!" a man shouted, Jimmy and I looked at each other interested and went to check out what was happening, there we saw a long black haired girl with glasses and a strong red lipstick looking at a black and white T.V show from a very small circular T.V

"What's going on?" I asked, "I found a colossal amount of CMBR and connected my device to the projector and it showed me this" she pointed at the show on the small T.V, I went to look at it closer just to see Wanda on the T.V, "Who's that?" Jimmy asked, "That's Wanda Maximoff, what is she doing there?" I asked looking at the girl who was just as confused as me, "I don't know, all I know is that this signal is being picked up from inside the town"

Jimmy and I looked at each other confused, I took out my booklet and wrote what we had just found out, "I'm guessing your field is Astrophysics" she nodded putting her hand out, "I'm Dr. Darcy Lewis" I shake her hand, "Y/N L/N, but you can just call me Y/N" she nodded smiling, "I think we won't be able to go get that coffee for now" I say to Jimmy and he chuckles, "I promise we will get one later though"

No longer after the T.V was brought and we were able to see Wanda better, the camera moves and we see Vision on the screen, "Wait, isn't he suppose to be dead?" Darcy asks, I nod looking at the screen confused, I write that down, as I add other things like the fact they seem to be in a sitcom and it is 50's styled.

The director then comes in explaining how they are sending off one of his agents through the sewers as there is an entry that connects us with the town, Jimmy goes with him to check the agent and project while I stay with Darcy taking down notes and examining the show.

"So who do you work for?" Darcy asks, "No one really, I was sent here by someone from outside" she looks at me interested, "What like the Russian's?" I laugh, "No, not that kind of outside, I mean outside of Earth" she looks at me wide-eyed gasping, "Like another planet!" she whispers excited, "Not exactly, it's complicated" she nods, 

"Sounds cool though, a friend of mine once traveled to another planet" I looked at her surprised, "Really? That's cool" she nodded, "It is, I would kill to travel outside of Earth" I nod smiling, "Anyone would"

Jimmy then comes back in wet due to going outside in the rain without an umbrella, he seems concerned, the director hears the sitcom and approaches Darcy asking what's happening, Jimmy moves his hand signaling me to go where he is, I stand up and walk to where he is standing, he then starts walking to my office so I go with him closing the door behind me and we both take a seat.

"What's up?" I ask, "I am not confident about the mission, I tried telling Hayward about it but he completely disregarded what I said" I rolled my eyes, "Typical of Hayward. Anyway, why do you think that?" I asked, trying to move on from the fact I kind of hated Hayward, "Well there's no reason to suspect the perimeter doesn't extend subterraneously, due to us not knowing enough about the nature of the threat to send an agent when Rambeau hasn't returned" 

I wrote everything he said down, "That's an extremely well-done observation, I wish Hayward wasn't such a big idiot so he would listen to what others say instead of being so stuck up" he laughs, "I don't think you like the director" I chuckle shaking my head, "Not one bit, at least Dr. Darcy was able to give us a lead" he nodded, "She's really good at her job" I agreed, 

"Wanna get that cup of coffee you promised we would get?" he stands up and puts his hand out, "I did make a promise" I smile at him taking his hand, before we walk off I go up to Darcy asking her if she would like one which she happily says yes to and then I walk back to Jimmy as we both walk off to get the coffee.

Hey there comrades!!! Another chapter out!!! I'm surprised I have made already 2 chapters to this story, and I will probably get the third one done by tomorrow!! I hope you guys are liking the story so far!! Also, I made a Jimmy Woo playlist if you would like listening to it!!
Here's the link: 

Lots of love, Author

Dear Marvel: Is Hayward Ultron, Mephisto or a Skrull? Because that man is too big of a moron to be a human.

Edited: 10/03/21

Magic Tricks, finding the Hex and falling in love? (Jimmy Woo x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now