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Jimmy's POV

"Take a left here and we arrive," Y/n tells me and I turn to the left, we arrive at Baker street and I park the car, we get out and start following the path.

I look around and see Y/N has started playing with her hands, I've seen her do this before and I know she tends to play with her hands when she's anxious, she's probably thinking about how Dana had died, and where the rest of her family was, and whether they were awaiting the same end as Dana, and if they weren't, what had happened to them, especially the kids,

"You okay?" I ask her as we walked following the path and she just nods her head still looking down at the path, and I know she's lying because I've been able to learn how to tell when she lies and I know she prefers to eat her feelings than talk about them

I walk closer to her and move my hand so it goes to hold hers trying to calm her down, she looks up at me confused for a second and then gives me a small smile holding it back, and we keep following the path holding hands.


"I need everyone to leave this is a crime scene" a man shouted to the people around in a semi-circle, I let go of Jimmy's hand and pushed forward to see the body, "Excuse me! This is a crime scene" the man shouted again, and I could see he was the town sheriff, "I know," I said taking my FBI badge out, "I'm with the FBI"

The sheriff moves and I see Dana on the floor, her face facing the ground, she was wearing normal clothes, no bleeding. Jimmy and I kneel down next to her and take out some gloves putting them on, "Help me turn her around" I tell Jimmy and he nods, I pick her up carefully and we turn her around, she had blood coming out of her nose but there was no other sign of damage,

"Is there any sign of sexual assault?" I asked Jimmy and he shakes his head, "None, there also seems to be no sign of cause" he tells me, and I look at her arms and around her body for something, and then I spot some strange dots and circles around her waist, 

"Jimmy look at this," I say and he moves to kneel next to me, I point at the dots on her waist and look up at him, "What do you think that is?" he asks me and I shrug, "I have no idea, we need to take it for investigation," I tell him and we stand up

I walk up to the sheriff taking my gloves off and putting my hand out, "Agent L/N of the FBI, we are going to need to take Dana's body for investigation" I tell him and he shakes it back, "Will we be able to have a funeral before?!" A woman shouts from the crowd and I turn to look at Jimmy unsure,

"I mean if they don't touch it and it's quick it should be fine right?" I tell him, "I don't know Y/N, it might be better to just take her", "But the family and friends, shouldn't they get a chance to say goodbye before we examine her?" I point out looking back at the woman, her face red and eyes puffy, I could tell she had been crying a lot,

"I mean if it's really quick there should be no problem," he tells me and I nod, "You will, it needs to be quick though, my condolences as well on your loss," I tell the woman and she takes my hand, "Thank you", "No need to thank us, is our job," I tell her and Jimmy comes behind me, "Come on we should help move the body," he says and I nod following him

We help the funeral company get Dana in a coffin and then they move it to the cemetery, "I feel like we shouldn't attend the funeral" I tell Jimmy as we get in his car, "How so?", "Well it seems very personal, and we don't know her, we should just let the family and friends have their moment to say goodbye" I explain to him and he nods,

"That sounds reasonable, should we just drive around the town for an hour" he suggests putting on some music, "Why not"

~~Time Skip brought to you by Darcy saying mew mew~~

After an hour Jimmy parked his car in front of the cemetery as we see people who have started walking away from the funeral, we get out of the car and start walking to collect the body, I see the woman from earlier and she walks up to me,

"Thank you for letting us say our goodbyes," she tells me pulling me in for a hug and I hug her back, "No worries, I'm really sorry for your loss," I say to her and she moves away patting my shoulder, "Please find the horrible person who did this to our dear Dana", "We will mam, I promise you"

Jimmy and I walk away and find the sheriff there with the coffin, "Was the coffin opened?" Jimmy asks him and he shakes his head, "No one wanted to see Dana for the last time this way, so no" he explains and we nod, "Could we please open it and get an ambulance to take her to the morgue to examine it" I tell him and he nods,

We move to stand in front of the coffin and when the sheriff opens it we aren't met by the resting face of Dana but instead, a horrifying creature resembling what we believe aliens look like, it smelled terrible and looked disintegrated,

I moved my face and covered my nose trying to block the smell, I looked back at Jimmy and we both looked at each other concerned, "Well thank god her friends didn't see her like this right?" Jimmy comments and I just shake my head, "Seal this up now! Nobody sees or touches this!" I shout to the sheriffs around us,

They got a machine and started moving the coffin to the ambulance they had brought, "What the hell was that?" I ask Jimmy and he shakes his head looking confused, "I have no idea"

We get in the car again and follow the ambulance to the morgue, the drive there is very quiet due to how shocked we both were after what happened to what was supposed to be Dana's body,

Once we arrive at the morgue Jimmy and I go in, we are given some clothes to change into and I walk into a changing room, after all, we don't want to contaminate our clothes or the body. Once I change I exit the room and walk into the inspection room we were given, there I see Jimmy wearing the same surgical gown as me, "Love the costume" he says as I walk in,

"Thanks, yours looks great as well," I tell him and he chuckles, I put some gloves on and walk towards the table where the body is a white sheet covering it, "Here we go," I say moving the sheet away from it exposing the unidentified creature,

I start checking key things, such as looking for any sign of damage, cuts, etc. I'm not able to find the dots I saw earlier on Dana's body and it leaves me wondering whether this could really be her body, Jimmy takes a camera and starts taking pictures to documentarise the discovery and be able to observe it later, 

"This is amazing Y/N, like I know it's really peculiar, but still, this could open doors to something new," Jimmy says as he moves around the creature taking pictures, I, on the other hand, am taking measurements and examining the body, "The subject is 170cm in length, weighing 60lbsin extremist" I explained finishing the examination,

"Corpse is in advanced stages of decay and desiccation, distinguishing features include large ocular cavities, oblique cranium indicates the subject is not human," I tell Jimmy moving away from the creature, "If it's not human, what is it?" he asks me getting closer to it, "Well it most certainly isn't a Skrull I can tell you that much"

"Then what is it?" Jimmy asks taking a tool to touch the body, "Well I'm not sure, we could say it's an extraterrestrial species because there's always that possibility, the real question is how it got in Dana's coffin? And why would someone replace her body with this" I point out to Jimmy taking my gloves off and taking a seat looking at him confused,

"I have no idea, what about its body?" he tells me, "I don't know, it seems to be made of a strange metal or unknown mineral, I haven't been able to identify it", "How about we do some blood tests, genetic workout and x-rays to see if we can figure more out?" Jimmy suggests and I nod, "Sure that sounds like a good idea"

Hey there guys!! Here's the new chapter!! I hope you guys liked it!! Let me know as well what you guys think about the story!! Also thank you guys so much for 4.6k views and 280 stars!! As well as all your lovely comments it really means the world to me!! 💛

Lots of love, Author.

Hey guys I have this discord server and I would love for you to join, it would be lovely to get to know some of you and hear what you think about the story as well as any suggestions or advice!! Here's the link: https://discord.gg/vucgCe7EXc

Magic Tricks, finding the Hex and falling in love? (Jimmy Woo x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now