Visiting memory town

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"I can't feel you", "The best I can do is let you say goodbye to him here", "But what is grief...if not love persevering", "At the end, you realize it was all a bad dream", "Wanda, Welcome home", 

Images and moments kept flashing through my head, I could feel all the pain and grief of Wanda, I felt so bad for her, but I couldn't give in, I couldn't give in to her, I need to get back to Jimmy, I need to help them.

"Promise me you'll be strong", "You always know how to light up a room", "You are a lover but also a fighter" mom, dad, uncle Nick.

"We have all been working hard on the investigation, especially you", "Y/N you are in love!", "You okay?"

Jimmy, I hope he's okay, I shouldn't have left him and Monica, I should have run faster, and Darcy, she's probably in the same situation as I am. But I need to snap out of it and get back to help Jimmy, I promised him I would find a way to get back.

"Y/n" I hear someone shout I turn around but I see no one, "Y/n!"


"Y/N!" Uncle Nick shouted snapping me back to reality, "Yes, sir?" I asked, "You need to go to the training room, the new recruits are waiting for you there," He says handing me a list, "Right, I will be leaving now sir"

I walk off to the training room, I had been helping the newbies with their combat training for a while and it was quite fun to teach them new skills. I walk into the room to see around 20 new recruits, all of them wearing their training uniform

"Morning recruits, I'm Agent L/N, today you will be learning hand-to-hand combat training with me, I need you all to pair up with someone," I say and everyone starts walking around looking for someone to pair up with, I count the names on the list to see there are actually 21 people in the class which means whoever doesn't have a partner will have to pair up with me, then a man walks up to me, he had black hair, dark brown eyes, and a bright smile

"Excuse me, miss, it seems I don't have a partner," He said nicely, "You'll be working with me then" I explain to him as I put the list down, I then give the instructions to all of the pair, which are 3 different sheets with different exercises for them to attempt, I would, of course, show them how to do each one of them before

I find it funny how I'm teaching someone who is probably older than me, then again a lot of people I teach tend to be older than me, but I always find it funny when I get paired up with someone older.

"What's your name recruit?" I ask him, "James. E Woo miss," he says, "Well James nice to meet you," I say shaking his hand, "Alright recruits we will start with a simple technique" I start explaining.

As the class progresses I help James improve his combat movements as well as techniques, he was very eager to improve as much as possible and was very nice and funny, I don't think I have ever had such a fun time teaching a class.

"I feel like you are going easy on me," James says and I chuckle, of course I am, he is just starting and I have been doing this for years, "I kinda have to go easy on you" I explain to him, "Wow, just because I am new, that's mean, maybe I could win a fight against you, there's always a possibility," he tells me and I laugh

"I doubt you will win a fight with me, I have been doing this for years, but of course I could give you the benefit of the doubt" I respond, "Please, be my guest," He says.

We stand in a fighting stance, "You sure you want to do this?"  I ask him and he nods, "Sure, what could I lose, only my pride", "Okay then"

We then start the sparring practice, he goes to throw a couple of punches but I easily dodge them, I grab his hand as he is trying to throw a jab and pull him closer hitting him in the stomach and then swiping his feet making him fall on the ground, 

"I told you I would win," I tell him as I stand up and offer him my hand which he takes and I help him to stand up, "You were right, but I'm getting better," he says smiling  and I nod, "You are getting, soon enough you might be 12% as good as I am," I tell him, "Maybe 50%," he says and I push my eyebrows together not convinced, "I'm not so sure," I tell him

Once the training finished I congratulate everyone on their work and they slowly start leaving some thanking me on the way out, the last one leaving being James,

"Thank you for all your help today Miss L/N," he tells me, "It's part of my job, you did well, keep it up and you will do great," I tell him, "Will you be doing the next training lessons?" he asks me and I shake my head, "My superiors take care of those classes" I explain to him, "You will either have Agent Romanoff or Agent Hill, they are both lovely so I'm sure you'll do good"

"I guess I'll be seeing you around then Agent L/N," he tells me and I nod, "I'm sure you will Agent James," I tell him as he walks off waving goodbye at me

~~~~End of flashback~~~

That's the day me and Jimmy met, I forgot about that exact memory, so much happened afterward that a small encounter with a new agent was not important, to think now I would be working with him in this case, just to fall for him, I need to get out of here, I need to get out of my head!

I start running around looking for something that might indicate an exit from this control and there I see a door in a corner, I rush there and open it a bright yellow light appearing from it.

"Excuse me..." I hear someone softly say, "Excuse me," the voice says louder this time, I open my eyes to see myself outside of a house with a box in my hand, "You need help moving in the boxes," a woman asks me smiling, her black hair in a ponytail, that's Beverly I think, I turn to look at her, "Excuse me?" I ask her, "Yeah you know, moving in by yourself can be tough," she says chuckling, I look around the place to see I'm in a neighborhood, a blue car parked next to me

"I'm alright, thank you," I tell her, and she walks off smiling at me. Alright, I am out of Wanda's control, now I need to find the exit to the town.

Hey guys!! Turns out the freaking ideas came to me at 11pm in the night, so yeah here's the new chapter!!! The next one will most likely be out by tomorrow, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it's a bit smaller than normal but I still hope you enjoyed finding out how Y/N and Jimmy first met!!! Also thank you guys so much for all the support with this book!!

Lots of love, Author

God, I hate writer's block so much, also the last episode was insane, the only thing I didn't like is we got no Jimmy content

Magic Tricks, finding the Hex and falling in love? (Jimmy Woo x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now