[ Sleeping on my shoulders ]

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[ Y/n's POV ]

It's been five to six days of waiting for results if I fail or pass. I got up to get the mail from our mailbox before my dad takes me to Mino's Bookstore to pick up some manga.

I separated the mail so it can be easy for parents. Then I found my name on an envelope from U.A. I'm nervous that I might have failed the test. When I opened the envelope, a hologram appeared that showed All Might.

"Congratulations, y/n y/l, you have made it to U.A.!" I jumped up and down in excitement. "y/n, why are you jumping up and down?" my dad says coming downstairs. "I passed!" I said with my joy tears. "That's amazing, y/n!" my dad came up to me to give me a big hug. "Thank you, dad." I said while hugging my dad back.

We went to Mino's Bookstore to get my manga and got something to eat. When we got back home, I saw my mom sitting on the couch watching a food show. "Hey, mom!" she turns around and smiles. "I'm so proud of you, your dad texted me that you passed."

I'm glad my parents are happy. I went upstairs to take a shower and put on my Pajamas. I watched an anime before going to bed. A thought came in my head, I hope Iida passed the test.

After waiting for 2 weeks, I turned off my alarm to get up for the first day of school. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and put on my uniform. I packed my stuff into a backpack including my manga. I went downstairs and saw my dad making cereal in the kitchen.

"Why are you leaving so early it's only 5:30, the school starts at 8:00?" my dad asked with a confused look. "I want to check if the bookstore has my new light novel before going to school." I said while making buttered toast.

After I was done eating, I started to put on my shoes. "Bye, dad!" I said while checking if I have everything I need. "Okay, be safe!" I closed the door and headed for the station. "Hey, y/l!" I heard Iida and I turned around to see him walking up to me. I'm happy that he passed, I hope we have the same class.

[ Tenya Iida POV ]

"Hey, Iida," they said with a smile on their face. My face felt a little hot but faded away. "Do you want to be friends and walk together to U.A?" I said while walking with y/l into the train.

"Yes and sure but I'm going to Mino's Bookstore first," they said when they sat next to me. "Okay, I'll go, I like going there to buy some books," I said then I lifted up my glasses.

"Cool, I go there to buy manga and light novels," their eyes started to sprinkle in excitement. We got out of the station and headed for Mino's Bookstore to see some books. I might even buy a book from here. We separated into different sections to get our books.

We spent twenty minutes in the store. After we found our books, we went in line to buy our books and left the store after paying. We started to walk to U.A. "Iida, what class do you have?" They say while looking at their schedule. "I have class 1-A, what about you, y/n?"

When we arrived, we asked one of the teachers to show us where our class is. We enter the classroom to see no one there. I looked at the time and It was 7:36 on the clock. "What did you get from the bookstore?"

They said before they sat at a seat next to the window. I sit on the seat next y/n. "I got five books." I said while taking out the books from my bag. "I brought "When Night Came," "Engines of Hope," "How to Become a Hero," "Life on the Edge," and "The World of Hope," what about you?" I said.

They started to take out their books from their backpack. "I got "Love is Always Hard for a Geek" a manga and "I Got Reborn into this Crazy World" a light novel." they said before reading the manga they got.

Should I ask if I can have their phone number? No, I don't want them to feel uncomfortable but I can say if they need help they can help me. Yes, that's a great idea. I took out my notebook and wrote down my phone number. "Hey, if you need any help or want to talk then here's my number, y/l." I said giving them my phone number. "Sure, I will text you later because the bell is about to ring in three minutes." they smiled and I smiled back.

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