[ You deserve it, Iida ]

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[ Y/n's POV ]

I slowly opened my eyes to see Iida's face close to mine. I stared at him for a while and touched his navy blue hair. I felt butterflies in my stomach, he looks so handsome. Then I heard my alarm going off on my phone.

Iida opened his eyes and my face went 100% red because I felt so embarrassed. "Good morning, y/n." He said still half asleep. "I-I'm so s-sorry for w-walking you u-up." I got up to turn off the alarm and look back at Iida.

"It's alright and besides we have school today." He said getting up to put on his glasses. I almost forgot that we have school and I have a test today but I remember a lot of it so I will be fine.

"I will meet you downstairs because I have to change into mine uniform." I said while putting my stuff into my backpack. "O-Okay." He said, I went out of his bedroom to my guest room.

When I closed the door, I put my hands on my face with embarrassment. I was so close to him, my heart was beating so fast. Okay, y/n, you need to focus on getting ready for school.

I put on my uniform, brush my teeth with a toothbrush that Iida gave me, and double check if I have everything I need. Before I opened my door, I got a text from my mom saying that she will see me later. I texted back to her before I opened the door.

When I opened the door, I smelled pancakes from downstairs. My stomach was roaring for a second because It smells great. I went downstairs to see Iida's eating his breakfast and Mrs. Iida making another bash of pancakes.

"Oh, good morning y/n." Mrs. Iida said while flipping a pancake perfectly. "Morning Mrs. Iida." I said while finding a plate. "Here's a plate." I turned around to see Iida having a plate with a fork on his hand. "Thank you." I blushed a little, took the plate, and got some pancakes.

After we were done, we put on our shoes and I said "Goodbye, thank you for the pancakes, Mrs.Iida." Iida closed the door behind us and we started to walk to the station. We sat next to each other and we talked about the Science test I have.

Iida reviewed some of the questions with me while we were on the train. We got off the station and walked to U.A. We got to our class and it was empty because school doesn't start until an hour.

We sat down in our seats and we were silent for a while but I started a conversation. "I-Iida." I said and he lifted his head up then turned to me. "Yes." he said, lifting his glasses and doing a chop motion. "Can you someday t-teach me how to cook o-other food?" I asked, feeling a little bit nervous.

"S-Sure, of course I will." he said, doing a chopping motion. "Thanks, Iida." I said putting a big smile on my face. "No, probl-" the school bell rings and our classmates start coming in. Iida tells Bakugo to button up his shirt while doing a chopping motion.

After lunch was done, we went back to our class then our last class, Science and waited until the teacher started the test. While I was writing and filling up the bubbles for the answers, I was so nervous but then I imagined Iida's smile and I calmed. After I was done with my test, I gave it to my teacher and sat back down.

After everybody was done, my teacher passed some of our tests back to us. My teacher put my test face down, my heart dropped when I saw that. I slowly flipped over my page to see I got 88% on my test. I felt so happy inside and I'm going to thank Iida after class. When the school bell rang, I packed my stuff into my backpack, and started to head outside.

While I was heading to the gate, I saw Iida reading a book. I started to walk to Iida. "Hello!" I said, then Iida jumped a little bit. "D-Don't scare me like that!" He said while doing a chopping motion.

"Sorry and I want to say thank you so much for helping because I got a good score on my study." I said and smiled at Iida. For a second I thought Iida's face just turned red. "That's good, I'm glad you passed." Iida said and made a big smile. His smile looks so gorgeous, my heart can't take this. I randomly gave Iida a hug so he doesn't see my red face.

"A-Are you alright. y-y/n?" Iida said with a panicking voice. "Yes, I'm fine, let's buy you a book." I said starting to walk out of the gates. "W-Wait, you don't have to do that.

"A-And besides as class president, It's my duty to help my classmates." He said lifting up his glasses. "I want to because you deserve it, come on." I said to him and grabbed his hand. "Okay, I accept it." He said and I said "Yes!"

After we split ways, I got home and I made myself some dinner because my parents are going to be home late. I sat on the crouch to watch anime on my tv before getting ready to go to sleep.

I felt happy because I brought Iida a book and he was happy too. I brushed my teeth, took a shower, and I was about to go to sleep.

But then I got a text from my phone, I reached for my phone. The text was from Iida that says . . .

How We Met.  [  Tenya Iida x Reader  ]Where stories live. Discover now