[ The Sports Festival Part 2 ]

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[ Y/n's POV ]

After she announced the event, we went back to our classroom breakroom for a break. While I was talking to Iida, I looked to my right to Todoroki looking at Midoriya with a glare. I wonder what happened between them but I look back at Iida and continue talking to Iida.

Our teacher opened the door to tell us that the event starts soon. We started to walk to our seats up where we can see the platform from below. Midnight started to explain how this event goes. While she was talking, I heard Midoriya mumbling to himself, making everyone around feel uncomfortable. I felt like he was writing down his victims in a death note.

"Okay, the first match will be Izuku vs. Hitoshi!" Midnight says and we look at Midoriya who was still writing down notes. "Midoriya, your up!" Kirishima says with a big smile on his face. Katsuki on the other hand was angry but he is mostly like that all the time. Midoriya got up from his seat and exited the door.

After four different matches, I was nervous because I didn't know when it would be my turn. "Next up is Y/n vs. Denki!" the crowd roared, everyone looked at me and Denki. We both got up and headed for the door. "Good luck." Mina whispered to me and smiled. We made it to the platform and we stood there waiting for Midnight to say go. "Ready, set, FIGHT!" Midnight said very loudly.

Denki started to activate his quirk including me. He did his first attack at me but I dodged and I used my quirk to kick him with more damage. He fell to the ground but came back up quickly and did another attack but I dodged again and I got shocked a little bit from his electricity. I ran up to him to get some attacks on him.

After he did more attacks on me, he turned to an airhead and I pushed him across the line. "Y/n wins!" I grabbed Denki's hand and pulled him to the classroom breakout room because he had an empty mind. I went back to my seat and watched more matches. Some of them were hard to watch because it made me feel sad.

"Next match is Y/n vs. Todoroki!" I felt my heart drop and sweat came down my head. I came down to the platform and saw Todoroki. "Ready, set, FIGHT!" We ran to each other and activated our quirks. Todoroki hit me first with his ice and punched him in the face. Under my feet was ice but I was strong enough to get out of his ice.

I came for him and he activated his fire to push me away but dodged it and did some attacks on him. But a few of them, he blocked with his ice. When I was about to punch him, he took my hand, and flipped me to the ground. I felt a sharp pain in my back and he used his fire to push across the line.

I was about to get up but I blacked out. I woke up and saw Recovery Girl kissing me on the cheek to heal me. "Oh you're awake." Recovery Girl said and gave me a smile. I was getting up but I felt a pain on my side. "Ouch." I said quietly. "Lay down for a bit, okay." Recovery Girl said with a worried expression. "Oh okay." I layed back down.

"Oh and here's your stuff." She put my stuff on a table next to me. "Thanks. Who brought my stuff here?" I said with a confused look. "Oh, it was a boy with glasses and navy blue hair who brought your stuff here." Oh Iida was the one who got my stuff here. "He also looked like he was in a rush to get somewhere." I hope everything's alright, I will text him later.

After the event was over, my mom called me that she is here to pick me up. I put on my clothes and said thank you to Recovery Girl. "Your welcome but be careful." "Okay!" I gave her a smile and headed out the door. I started walking outside to see my mom waiting for me. "Hey y/n, you did a great job." She said then gave me a big hug. "Thanks mom!" I said then hugging her back.

When I came back home, I went upstairs to take a shower because I stink. I went to the shower and I just remembered that I forgot to text Iida to make sure everything's alright. My face turned to heat up a little bit but I think it's because of my shower.

After I was done, I went downstairs to eat dinner because I was very hungry. When I was done, I went upstairs to watch anime before going to bed. I texted Iida if everything was okay but he didn't text back yet which was strange but I think he might be asleep. So after finishing some episodes of different anime, I went to bed, and I was starting to fall asleep slowly.

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