[ A Study Sleepover With Iida ]

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[ Y/n's POV ]

When I opened the door, I saw heavy rain pouring to the ground, thunder roar across the stormy clouds like a lion. I started to close the door so the rain didn't come inside. Then my phone started to ring and it was my mom.

My mom told me if it was okay if I stayed at Iida's because the rain and I said "Okay, mom. See you tomorrow. Love you, bye." I looked at Iida and his mom. "Mrs. Iida, can I spend the night because it's really bad out there?"

"Sure. Iida, can you show y/n to the guest room?" Mrs. Iida went to the kitchen to have dinner. "Okay, mother, let's go." Iida said then I started to walk with him upstairs. We stopped at a door that was next to Iida's room.

"This is your guest room, tell me if you need anything." He said before he walked away I said. "Can you give me some spare clothes because I want to take a shower?" I said blushing a little bit. "Sure, I can get you some."

I opened the door to see a room with a bed in the corner, a desk 2 inches away with a chair, a basket for putting clothes in, and a short table with pillows under them.

I put my backpack on the side of the bed, got out one of my manga I brought with me just in case, then sat on the bed waiting for Iida to come back with the clothes.

Then 20 minutes past, I hear a knock on my door. I open the door to see Iida with nice folded clothes on his hands. "Hello y/n, did I intercepted you?"

"O-Oh no, I was just r-reading a manga, thank you for the clothes." I said my heart raced like I was running for 39 minutes. "No problem, do you know how to turn on the shower?" "No." Iida showed me how to turn on the shower and change the temperature on it.

After he explained, he went back to his room to study more. I got in the shower and it felt amazing. I put soap all over my body so I don't stink. I got out of the shower to dry myself up to put on lotion then put on the clothes that I was given.

I checked my phone if my parents or anyone called or texted me while I was in the shower. My phone only had notifications of Mino's Bookstore and other stuff. I layed on the bed for a while because I felt sleepy. But I got up to go to Iida's room to study.

I knocked on the door of Iida's room then he opened it. "Oh hey y/n, come in." I entered his room, sat on the pillow I was on early. He sat down then asked if I needed anymore and I said yes.

He started to explain and show me so I can remember. I really want to tell him how much I like him but I don't know how. After 2 hours of studying, I started to feel sleepy and eyes wouldn't stay open. I will just rest my eyes for awhile. I closed my eyes and everything went dark.

[ Tenya Iida's POV ]

After 2 hours of studying, I was writing down some stuff in my notebook so I don't forget. I look to see y/n sleeping on their arm, I slowly lift up their head to see what they were studying. They wrote the questions and answers for their Science test. I checked if I woke them up but they were still asleep.

I checked what time it was on my phone and it was 10:18 P.M. I wanted to wake them up from their sleep but they look so peaceful while they are sleeping, I don't want to do that.

I lay y/n to the ground so it doesn't hurt their back when they wake up. I put a pillow under their head and a blanket over them.

When I was about to get up so I could turn off the lights, I felt a hand on my hand, I looked down to y/n saying. "Can you..stay?" they said holding my hand tight. "Sure, but let me turn off the lights first."

When I said that their hand released my hand. I turned off the light and grabbed a blanket from my closet. I got a pillow and I took off my glasses. I layed next to y/n and they said. "T-Thank you." they said. My face feels hot and I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep.

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