[ Training Camp Part 3 ]

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[ Y/n's POV ]

We made it to the place where Mr. Aizawa was teaching extra lessons for the students who were doing badly in training. When we entered the classroom, no one was there. "Seems like everyone is joining the battle." I said, giving him a smirk. "Yep, It seems so," he said, lifting up his glasses. "Well, we should get going before we miss the battle," I started to run to the exit to join them. "H-Hey, wait for me!" Iida said, following me to the exit.

After we exited the building, we saw something big in the distance that looked like Dark Shadow, knocking some of the trees. We started heading for that direction so that we could see what was actually happening. When we got there, we saw Tokoyami being in pain on the ground. Bakugo and Todoroki were helping him control Dark Shadow. "What happened here?" I said, while observing the damage that Dark Shadow made. I didn't think Dark Shadow could get that big and...destruction."I-I lost control of...Dark Shadow..because I used my quirk and Dark..S-Shadow gets stronger at night." Tokoyami says, slowly feeling better and getting control of Dark Shadow.

"Everyone listen up!" I heard a woman's voice...that sounded like Mrs. Sosaki! "Anyone has a person whose name is...um...Kac-chan near them." Wait, does she mean Bakugo? Midoriya usually calls him by that nickname. "Keep him safe because..the villains are after him." When she said that I looked at Bakugo, Bakugo looked confused. To be honest, I'm not surprised because he does have anger issues.

"Don't worry Bakugo, we will protect you." Todoroki said with his usual straight face, patting Bakugo's back. Bakugo slaps Todoroki's arm from his back. "I can take care of myself, YOU NERDS!" Bakugo then stumps away. "Hey, wait for us! We need to protect ya!" I started walking fast to catch up with Bakugo, including the others. While we were walking to keep a close eye on Bakugo, we heard something from the forest but it was just a bunny. We were so relieved. "Umm..where did Bakugo go?" Tokoyami said. I looked around my surroundings but there was no Bakugo to be found until I looked up at the tree to see a mysterious man with a cape, he had something in his hand.

"Who are you?!" I said, the man was silent for a few seconds. "Oh, just a person walking by to pick up someone," he said, playing with a small pearl. "Pick up...who?" I said. There's something about this man that seems...off. "Ka-tsu-ki-Ba-ku-go," he said, then disappearing before I got to hit him with my quirk. Dang it, now how are we supposed to save Bakugo now. I felt a tear go slowly down my face but then I felt a hand on my back. "Don't worry, we will find a way to save Bakugo," I look on my left side to see Iida's worried smile. I wiped the tear off of my face and gave him a smile. "Thank you," I whispered, then I tried to pull myself together.

After that, we tried looking for the others and the adults. We know that the forest was huge so we know it will take awhile until we hear a loud scream. When I heard it, I started to run to find the source of the scream including the others. Even though I felt my legs were hurting a little bit, I still kept running until I saw a light slowly fading then disappearing. We finally found the others but Midoriya was in horrible condition. The adults finally found us and told us that help is here. Finally because my body started to ache and I fell down into my knee. "What's wrong, y/n?" Momo said. "My body is...aching," I felt my body shaking a little bit. After that event, a few of the others including me found a way to save Bakugo from the villains but obviously we had to face some consequences but it was worth it. Next week, Iida is going to hang out with me at the bookstore. I can't wait!

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