[ The End ]

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[ Y/n's POV ]

When morning came, I did my normal route like always but this time, I couldn't stop thinking about Iida. Now that I'm thinking about it, it's going to be kinda awkward since we became a..c-couple. "Y/n, are you okay? You're not eating your food." I snapped out of my space after hearing my mom. "Y-Yeah, sorry about that, mo-" Before I finished my sentence, I got interrupted by the doorbell. I got up to check who it was and that person..Iida. I opened the door. "Hey, Iida. Are you here to walk with me?" I asked him. "Yes," he said. "I haven't finished my breakfast yet. Would you like to come inside?" I said then Iida said yes.

"Would you like some pancakes? We still have some left." "Oh, no thank you," he said, doing his chopping motions. I always find his hand chopping so adorable. After I finished my breakfast, we headed out of the house. While we were walking to the station, I stopped thinking about holding his hand. Slowly my hand held his. I felt Iida jump a little causing me to let go of his hand. "S-sorry, for scaring you. I just wanted to hold your hand."

"It's fine. I also wanted to hold your hand too," he said, our hand slowly held each other then we started walking again to our station. When we started walking to school from our station, an idea suddenly came from my head. "After school, do you want to stop by Nene's Cafe with me?" "Sure. We can also do some of the homework," Iida said, I nodded. I haven't been to the cafe in awhile and missed having my favorite drink. I also got my money from doing chores.

After school, we headed to the cafe. The line in the cafe was a little longer than I thought it would be. While we were in line, we texted our parents that we would be home late. "Hello. What would you guys like to order?" The cashier said. "I would like a f/d (favorite drink) and a f/f (favorite food)." I said, then Iida ordered after me. "Will this be all?" The cashier said then we both nodded. "Okay, that will be $18.76." The cashier said. Before I could get my money out, Iida took out his money and paid for our stuff.

"Thank you. I will pay you back," I said while we were setting our stuff on the empty table. "No, it's fine," Iida said. We sat and started our homework. There were a few times when I was stuck on a problem, Iida was able to help. "Oh, can I have a bite on your sandwich?" I said when Iida was about to bite on his sandwich. I took a bite of it and it was so delicious. "Wow, this is good!" I said then took a sip of my drink and I got back to my homework. "Can I take a sip of your drink?" "Sure," I said, handing my drink to Iida then I realized that it was a..indirected kiss like in anime and manga. "This is good," Iida said, handing it back to me. It took me a while to finish my drink because Iida took a sip of it.

After we were done, we threw away our trash then headed out of the cafe. "Y/n, can I show you something before we head," Iida said. "Sure," I said, then Iida held my hand. Iida led me to a nearby park, and we entered the park. We stopped and sat on the bench. "Look," Iida said. When I looked a little up, I saw the sunset. The clouds looked even more beautiful because the colors mixed well together as if I was looking at a painting that came to life.

"Iida, this is beautiful," I said, still looking at the sunset. "I just wanted to show the best spot to see the sunset. I sometimes come here when I feel stressed or sad," Iida said. Without a warning, I gave him a kiss on his cheek. Iida was surprised and turned to me with a red face. "Thank you for showing me this place. And I wanted to repay you for my drink and food," I said, having a smirk on my face. "No, thank you. My day wouldn't be completed without you," Iida said, slowly coming closer to my face. I closed my eyes and I felt a kiss on my lips. Then we separated and then hugged each other while the sun was slowly disappearing.

[ The End ]

How We Met.  [  Tenya Iida x Reader  ]Where stories live. Discover now