[ The Villain Attack ]

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[ Y/n's POV ]

Ringing Ringing Ringing . . .

I reached for my phone to turn off the alarm then I got up to do my morning routine. I went on the train with Iida as usual but while we were walking to U.A. and heading for the gates. We see a reporter coming out of a news van with a camera man.

They ran up to us asking questions about how we feel about All Might working here in U.A. "I don't know." I said with a glare then I started to walk to our class. But Iida stayed for a while and I watched from the window in our classroom. Then Iida walked to our class and started to study more.

The press crowds started to get bigger when more students started to arrive at school. I also started to see some of the teachers walking to the gate, maybe it's because of the press and they worry about the students.

Before the bell rings, Iida tells everyone to sit because Mr. Aizawa is coming soon. After the bells rings, Mr. Aizawa enters our classroom with a sleeping bag in his hands as usual.

He explained that we are going to an outside facility for training after lunch. Before we were done with our class, we had voted for a class president. I voted for Iida because he is very organized. But I was surprised that Midoriya won.

After my two classes, I went to the cafeteria to sit where my friends were. We were talking about what we had for homework until we heard the alarm going off. Everyone in the cafeteria started at the door, we came out to see what caused the alarm and we saw the press go through the gates.

Iida asked Uraraka if she could make him float so that he can tell everyone that it's just the press. He told everyone that it's just the press and that they have to stay calm while doing a chopping motion.

Everyone calmed and walked back where they were. Iida is so brave, smart, and nic-. My face is getting hot and my heart. I shook my face then started to go back to the cafeteria.

After lunch, we went back to our homeroom to get more details about the training. Mr. Aizawa told us that we are going to an outside facility to train in different environments. We got dressed in our hero suits and started to walk to the bus.

[ Tenya Iida's POV ]

We all entered on the bus to go to the facility. I sat next to the window and I saw y/n sitting next to me. They had a s/c (suit color) that fitted well on them. "A-Are you nervous, Iida?" y/n asked me and I snapped back to reality. "Yes, I am but I'm confident that I will do good. What about you?" I said lifting up my glasses.

"I'm nervous. I think I will do okay on the training." They said looking at me with cute e/c eyes. My face felt hot for a second then we arrived at the facility. We entered to see Thirteen waiting for us inside.

They were explaining how their quirk can be good but also dangerous and how our quirks can be dangerous. They were going to train us about how to control our quirks.

But we see a portal opening up, I first thought it was Thirteen but they didn't activate their quirk. I looked back and saw a guy with a hand on his face.

Another person came out and a big monster. "Everyone, this isn't part of your training, stay close!" Mr. Aizawa said then he started to run to the villains.

[ Y/n's POV ]

"Everyone, this isn't part of your training, stay close!" Mr. Aizawa said then he started to run to the villains. After he left to fight the villains, we see a blackish purple smoke forming around then we see a tall man. Thirteen tried using their quirk but they almost got sucked in.

Thirteen were badly hurt on the ground and a few of our classmates went to check how bad it was. "Iida, I want you to go to the heroes and tell them that we need help here!" Thirteen said in pain. "I won't let you pass." The tall man said with smoke everywhere around him.

Iida started to get ready to run as fun as he could to the door. Before he did that, me and some of our classmates came after him so he could be distracted.

He made it to the door and I smiled at him before getting teleport to a spot in the facility. I got teleported to the forest area and found Mina looking around the forest.

"Hey Mina, over here!" I said waving at her and she saw me. "Hey, y/n!" She starts running towards me. Then we heard a snap of a stick and saw five guys coming at us fast. Mina uses her quirk to hurt them while I knock them out. I got some cuts from the guys' knives. "Are you okay, y/n?" Mina said with a worried voice. "Yeah, I'm fine, it will heal."

After we were done, we started to walk out of the forest but looked around if there were any more bad guys. We walked out of the forest and see Mr. Aizawa hurt really badly and was bleeding. "Mina, I'm going to help Mr. Aizawa." I said with a worried voice.

"Okay, but be careful y/n." Mina said then started looking for everyone else. I started to run to Mr. Aizawa but then I see a guy with burns all over his body, he started making blue flames.

I quickly dodged his flames, got burned a little bit and picked up Mr.Aizawa from the ground quickly before that monster attacked me. The monster hit me on the back hard while carrying Mr. Aizawa. But landed on the ground perfectly and started running.

While I was carrying Mr. Aizawa to the others, I feel something warm coming from my legs and see it bleeding. I started to feel dizzy, before I blacked out, I saw the pro heroes coming in and Iida. I started to dream about a memory I had that I had forgot about.


[ Y/n's POV ]

When I was in first grade, I was just playing on the playground like what I usually do. I saw a boy with glasses and navy blue hair just reading a book against the wall. I always have seen him at the wall. So I started to walk to him so that I can ask him what he is reading.

"Hello there." I said then the boy looked up at me. "Hello, d-do you n-need anything?" He said nervously. "What are you reading?" I sat next to him and he lifted up his glasses. "I'm reading K-Kaku's Adventures." He said, doing a chopping motion. I was confused by his chopping motion but I didn't mind.

"Ohhh, I love reading that series!" I said with an excited voice. "D-Do you w-want to be friends with me, if t-that's alright with you?" He said then I said yes. "Oh, I also forgot to introduce myself, I'm Tenya Iida. What's your name?" He said shaking my hand. "It's nice to meet you, I'm y/n y/l !" I said then the bell rang.

"See you later, Iida!" I said running back to my classroom. "See you soon, y/l !" Iida waved back at me. During the times when I hung out with Iida, we used to play as super heroes and read Kaku's Adventures with each other.

But then I had to move to a different school in third grade because my parents got a new job. It was hard to say goodbye to Iida but I promised him that I was going to become a hero and meet him again someday.

Flashback Ends

[ Y/n's POV ]

I started to regain vision and see Iida sitting next to me with a book in hand. I looked around and I was in the nurse's office. I got up and he looked at me with a worried face.

"Don't move too much, you're still healing from your cuts." I looked down to see bandages around my cuts I had. "Okay, how long have I been asleep for?" I asked, hoping it hasn't been too long.

"Only for one hour and a half." I looked at him and I wanted to tell him about my memory. But I'm not sure if he remembers me because it was a long time ago. "Iida, can I ask you something?" Iida put a bookmark on his book. "Of course." He said with a smile.

"Iida, do you remember any friends from first grade?" I said looking away. "I do remember one person but I forgot their name. I used to play superheroes with them and read a book called Kaku's Adventures. Why do you ask?" He said with a confused look on his face.

"Well, I-I was that person you used to p-play with, I just remembered a-after I blackout. It's nice s-seeing you again." I said with a nervous smile. "Oh, I also forgot what you look like, and I-It's nice seeing you too." He said with a cute smile.

After Recovery Girl was done with my check up, she let me go, and headed back to our classroom.

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