[ Preparing For The Trip ]

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[ Y/n's POV ]

"Just kidding. Everyone is going on a classroom trip." Mr. Aizawa said with a straight face. "Yay!" Everyone got excited including me because I haven't been on a class trip since 6th grade. "But those who failed the hero exam, they will have extra lessons with me." Mr. Aizawa said while glaring at Mina and Denki. Mina and Denki look away in embarrassment. I felt relieved that I didn't have to do extra lessons with Mr. Aizawa on the trip.

After class was dismissed, Uraraka said "Wait, who wants to go shopping with me and Midoriya on Sunday?" Everyone turns to Uraraka after hearing her. "I will go and besides I need to get new clothes." I said then everyone started to look at me. The stares of my classmates were making me feel uncomfortable and nervous. "I will go too!" Iida said and did a chopping motion. "Great! Who else!" Uraraka said then a few people said that they will go too. "Okay, everyone who's coming. The time will be 1:30 PM at Xxxxx Mall." We nodded and headed home.

[ Two Days Later ]

After getting off the train, I started heading to Xxxxx Mall to meet the others there. When I entered the mall, I heard a familiar voice nearby. "Hey y/n, over here!" I turned around to see Uraraka and the others, I started to walk to them. We decided that we should split up and I went with Iida again. We started walking to a clothing store to pick up some clothes for the trip.

While we were in line to pay for our stuff, Iida suddenly got a call from his phone. "Is it okay if I-" I cut him off. "Of course you can." Iida answered the phone and I heard Uraraka's voice on the phone. "Okay, that will be $38.64, please." I was about to reach for my wallet until the lady said, "Have a nice day." I turned around to see Iida with a card in his hands. He gave me a sweet smile and then continued to talk to Uraraka on the phone.

I took our bag and we headed out of the store. "Okay, bye." Iida said then put his phone back in his pocket. "Is everything okay?" He looks at me with a worried expression on his face. "Midoriya encountered a villian." My eyes widened with worry. "Is he okay?" He nodded. "Yeah and Uraraka called the police to make a report." My worries went away after he said that.

We started to walk where the others were. Then I felt someone bump my shoulders. "Oh sorry, sir." I said then the man gave me a chilling smile and walked away. The man looked pale with rusty dusty lips and had a dark hoodie, it creeped me out a little bit. "Are you alright?" Iida said, lifting up his glasses. "Y-Yeah. I guess." We continued walking but something about that man seemed off. But I brushed off that thought and focused on getting to our vacation.

When we met with the others, I noticed that there were more police officers around the mall than usual. "Hey guys, do you know-" "Are you one of yall Ochako Uraraka and Izuku Midoriya?" A police officer approached us out of nowhere. "Yes, that would be me," Uraraka responded. "We would like to ask some questions back at the police station including your friends." When we got to the police station, we took turns answering questions from a detective.

"Did you ever encounter a person that seemed off after the event and what's your name?" The first thing that came to mind was the man that bumped into me. "Well, there was a man that bumped into me after the event. There was something off about him. And my name is Y/n L/n" I said while the detective wrote it down in a small notebook. "Do you remember what he looked like?" I started to explain what the man looked like. "Okay, you can go now." I got up and headed for the door.

After I was done saying bye to my friends including Iida, my parents picked me to take me home. My parents were worried about me since they got a call from the police station. But I explained what happened and they calmed down.

[ Sorry for not updating in awhile ]

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