[ The Hero Killer Attack Part 2 ]

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[ Y/n's POV ]

We started to head to Hosu city in a car that my teacher had for an emergency. My teacher tells me that I have to stay with them. We arrive at the scene of the fires. I see citizens running around from these big monsters, some of them were trying to look for their loved one in the crowds.

One of the big monsters looks like the one that was with the villains who attacked me and my classmates in U.A. My job was to help lead the citizens to a safe area away from the monsters and the fires. While I was doing that, I saw an old lady trying to get run but trips on the rock and can't get up. I ran to her to give her a hand, she grabbed my hand to get up.

"Mom, there you are!" I heard a voice from the crowd of citizens. A woman came out and she had tears going out of her eyes. She starts running to the old lady and gives her a big hug. "Thank you so much." She carries the old lady on her back then flies away. I continued to do my job but then I felt a notification on my phone in my pocket. It was from Midoriya.

But it only had a location and my senses told me to go there like something bad happened. I texted my teacher the location and told them to call help to that location just in case. I told a few people that were helping that there is an emergency and that I have to go there. I head to the location that Midoriya sent me. When I got there, I saw Iida on the ground bleeding, Midoriya fighting a villian, and Todoroki helping Midoriya.

"Iida, are you awake?!" I came next to Iida and it looked like he was breathing hard. "...Yes...I'm..bleeding." I look at the villain and he looks like he is going to aim his knife at Todoroki. "Todoroki, look out!" I ran to Todoroki and grabbed the knife before it went through Todoroki's arm. "Thanks, y/n." "No problem." I look back at the villain and I think I'm his next target. "Be careful, if he licks your blood, you will be paralized." My heart dropped and I started to get nervous. But I kept my nervousness deep inside of me.

"Okay, thanks for the warning." I started to run towards the villain and use my quirk to attack the villain. He used one of the knives to cut me on my arm before he was about to lick it, I smack the knife out of his hand, and continued to fight him for a while. Midoriya got out of his paralyzation just in time, I started to get dizzy because of my quirk. Midoriya knocked him into the air before I blacked out.

"Ouch, my head hurts. . . ." I said, slowly opened my eyes to see a window cracked open. I sit up to look around the room I am in. I realized that I was in a hospital with a few bandages wrapped around my arms and legs. I heard my phone ringing on a small table next to me, I looked to see who it was, it was my teacher from my workplace.

Y/n: ". . Hello?"

Teacher: "You're awake?!"

Y/n: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Teacher: "You have been asleep for 2 days."

Y/n: "WHAT! Wait, I'm going to be late for- ouch!"

Teacher: "Don't worry about it, y/n. We told Mr. Aizawa that you won't be in school for awhile since you haven't healed fully."

Y/n: "Oh okay. Before you go, what villain did I fight?"

Teacher: "The villain you were fighting was Stain."

Y/n: "STAIN?! Are my friends alright?"

Teacher: "Yes, they got discharged from the hospital yesterday."

Y/n: "That's a relief. Thanks."

Teacher: "No problem. Now, get some rest."

Y/n: "Okay, bye."

I hung up the phone, I got up from my bed to use the bathroom. After I was done, I opened the door to see the nurse coming in. "Ma'am, do you need something?" The nurse jumped a little because I startled her a little bit. "I'm glad you're awake, I will tell your family and friends that you are awake." She opens the door then closes it behind her. "Okay." I got back in bed and took a nap.

While I was resting my eyes, I felt someone's hand going around in a small circle on my head. I slowly opened my eyes to see Iida close to my face. My heart started to beat fast and my face started to feel hot. We stared at each other for a few seconds. "Umm...hey." I saw his face turning red, he backed away a little bit. "Are you okay, Iida?" I said while sitting up on my bed.

"Y-Yeah." He said while doing a chopping motion. "I came here to help you with your homework." He pulled out a small stack of papers from his backpack. He puts the papers on the small table next to me. Then he grabbed a chair nearby and sat in front of the table. He started to explain the homework to me for the rest of the day.

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