[ A Time for Studying ]

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[ Y/n POV ]

After a month in U.A., Mr. Aizawa told us we will be training differently today and All Might will explain the details after we change. We changed into our hero costumes then we went to Grounds B( one of the training grounds in U.A. with streets and buildings ) to wait for further instructions. "I AM HERE!" All Might says while coming out of nowhere.

"Our training will be heroes vs. villains....." He continued to explain how the training will go. I got paired up with a guy named Tokoyami, he looks like a bird that got combined to a human but he looks cool. After Mezo and Todoroki vs. Mashirao and Toru match, we are next up.

We are the heroes for this match and Denki and Jiro are the villains for this match. "START!" All Might said from the microphone. Me and Tokoyami ran inside to find the weapon.

"What should we do?" He said. "I think you should go against Denki and I will get the weapon." I said while we turned right. "Okay, I will try." He said.

Then we encounter Denki while looking for the weapon. We both nodded to each other. Tokoyami used his quirk to distract Denki while I looked for the weapon.

I found the weapon but it was behind Jiro. Then she put her earplugs into her speaker to create sound waves. My ears started to bleed a little bit because of the sound waves.

I ran full speed to use y/q to knock out Jiro so I could touch the weapon. There were 5 seconds left on the clock, I pushed the button then it was over. "Y/n and Tokoyami wins!"

After the match was done, I told All Might that I'm going to the nurse office to check if my ears will be okay. I went to the nurse office, Recovery Girl said I will be alright, then I went back to class. I watched the match of Midoriya and Uraraka vs. Bakugo and Iida.

The ending of the match made me feel like it was amazing but also I was worried about Midoriya's injuries. All Might took Midoriya to the nurse office, class ended so we got changed then went back to our class.

After we was done with my classes, we went to the gates to head for Iida the station. I was nervous to ask Iida a question but I do need help. "Iida, I have a question?" I said. "Sure." He said while lifting up his glasses.

"C-Can you help me with Science because there is a test tomorrow?" I said nervously. "Sure, you can come to my place if that's alright. I also have to study for it too." He said while his face turned a little red.

"Thanks, let me text my mom and dad." I texted my parents that I'm going to Iida's house for homework. We went on the train then I started to follow Iida to his house.

"Wow." I said when I saw the big house. "Yes, this is where I live." He said while opening the door for me. I entered his house, took off my shoes, and put them near the door.

"Hey, Tensei!" Iida said that I turned around to see one of his family members, Tensei. But not gonna lie, Tensei and Iida almost look the same if he took off his glasses. "Hey, little bro, who's this?"

[ Tenya Iida POV ]

"Hey, little bro, who's this?" My brother said looking at y/n. "This is y/n and y/n, this is brother, Tensei." Tensei shook their hands. "Well, nice to meet you, y/n. I have to go on hero duty, bye." He said then close the door.

"Well, shall we go and study?" I said. "Yes." They said while following me upstairs to the bedroom.

I opened my door to let y/n in. I always keep my room tidy so that I can find my stuff easily. "Come let's sit down here." I pointed to a small table with pillows to sit down on.

They sat across from me but I wanted them to sit next me. But they are my guest so I can't say that. That would be rude of me. "Your room is more organized than mines." y/n said while they took out their folder.

Then we started to study and talk about Biology for a while. Y/n was having trouble understanding the Biology Unit of plants and animals. I moved to their side, I explained how they can remember the vocabulary and the answers. Then I heard a roar coming from their stomach. Their face started to turn super red.

[ Y/n POV ]

Come on, Stomach! Why did you do this to me?! My face started to feel hot that I could feel it. "I can make you something in my kitchen." Iida said while doing a chopping motion.

We started to walk downstairs to the kitchen. "Do you need any help?" I asked. "Sure." He said while taking out the pan. "What are we going to make?"

"We are making potstickers with rice and vegetables." That caused my stomach to roar. "I think my stomach says yes." I said jokingly and I started to laugh a little including Iida. Iida's laugh just made my day better.

My job was to make the rice and cut up the vegetables. Iida's job was to make the potstickers. After we were done, we put the food on our plates and sat at the table.

We started eating our food, the food tasted so delicious. These potstickers were better than the frozen ones I usually preheat and eat.

"How did you make these potstickers?" I said while finishing eating. "That's a secret." Iida said then he started looking at me. "There's something on your face." He said while picking a napkin. He wrapped around the area of my cheek. I saw his face turn red including mine.

We were staring at each other for a few seconds when we heard the front open. Iida sat down quickly then a woman appeared. Iida turns to see who it is. "Hello, mother!" Iida said happily. "Hello, Tenya, who is this?" His mother said with a smirk on her face.

"Oh, this is my friend, y/n y/l, and y/n this is my mother." I got up and shook her hands. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Iida." I said politely. "Nice to meet you too, y/n." She said politely. "What did you and y/n make?" She said while going to the kitchen.

"We made potstickers with rice and vegetables." Iida said while grabbing our plates on the sink. "Iida, I can clean the dishes." I said heading to the kitchen. "No, it's alright-" "No, I insist." I said while getting the sponge to wash. "Well, can I at least let me dry the dishes?" Iida said. "Sure." I said washing the dishes then heading it to Iida.

[ Mrs. Iida's POV ]

When I saw them cleaning the dishes, they were having a good time. I ship them so much! I hope they date because they look like a great couple.

[ Tenya Iida's POV ]

After we were done with the dishes, Y/n had to go back home. But when they opened the door, it was raining really hard. There was also thunder roaring in the sky. They closed the door then their parents called them but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

"Mrs. Iida, can I spend the night because it's really bad out there?" They asked while taking off their shoes again. "Sure. Iida, can you show y/n to the guest room?" My mother said she wrinkled at me. My face starts to feel red. What is my mother thinking right now?

[ Mrs. Iida POV ]

This is a perfect time for them to confuse their feelings for each other. I can feel the connection between them. Thank you so much rain and thunder.

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