[ A Hang Out with Friends: A Special ]

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[ Y/n's POV ]

Iida: Sorry for waking you up if you were sleeping. Can I ask you a question?

Y/n: That's alright. What do you want to ask me?

Iida: There's a new bookstore in the mall that I want to check. And I'm wondering if you would like to join me, Uraraka, and Midoriya tomorrow?

Y/n: I would love to. Where is the mall and what time?

Iida: I will send you a location and at 11:00 A.M.

Y/n: Okay, thank you. ^ - ^

Iida: What does " ^ - ^ " mean?

Y/n: " ^ - ^ " means happy.

Iida: Thank you y/n. Good Night. ^ - ^

Y/n: Good Night!

I lay back down and closed my eyes. I started to drift off to a dream and fell asleep.

I had a great dream about eating f/f (favorite food) in my house while watching anime but before I could finish it, I woke up. I checked what time it was and it was 9:34 A.M. I didn't want to get up because it feels cold but I have to get up. So I got up to do my morning rotation.

I put on a black shirt that says ______ (Whatever you want the shirt to say) and dark jeans. I grabbed my backpack with me downstairs, I ate f/b (favorite breakfast) for breakfast. After I was done eating, I heard the doorbell ring.

I checked through the window and saw Iida. He is very early and I didn't know he was coming. I opened the door, Iida was standing up straight. "Iida, I didn't know you were coming to pick me up." Iida was wearing a light blue shirt, dark blue jeans, and a backpack.

Iida then bowed in a perfect 90 degree angle. "My apologies for not telling you sooner!" I started to get nervous. "N-No, it's a-alright." Iida stood up straight and lifted his glasses. "Good morning y/n, what's going on?" I turn around to see my dad yawning and looking at us. "Oh good morning dad, I'm just about to go to the mall with one of my friends."

My dad started to look at Iida. "What's his name?" I was about to say what his name is but he said it instead. "H-Hello sir, my name i-is Tenya Iida!" He said, sounding nervous. I think it's because my dad looks like a tough person. "Hello, nice to meet you too. I'm y/n's dad but call me Mr. y/l."

[ Tenya Iida POV ]

Mr. y/l walked towards me and y/n moved out of the way. I got nervous a little bit but he kind of reminded me of y/n with his e/c (eye color) eyes. We shook hands.

"Be back home at 2:00 or 3:00, okay y/n." He said and patted y/n on their head. "Okay, dad." Y/n shut their door and it looks like they were checking if they had everything. "Are you ready to go?" y/n looked up to me with a smile. "Yes."

We were walking to the station where we usually go for school but this time it will take us 30 minutes to get there instead of 20 mins to school. There weren't a lot of people on the train.

We got off the train and started to walk up the steps. We started walking, I checked on y/n if they were okay, and they were fine. We got to the mall to see Uraraka was sitting next to Midoriya.

[ Y/n's POV ]

"Hey guys!" I said then Uraraka jumped up and gave me a hug. "Hey, y/n, do you want to go clothes shopping with me?" She said, giving puppy eyes. I think she is saying she wants me to help her buy a few clothes for her. That reminded me of the first week in U.A.

[ Flashback on the first week of U.A ]

[ Y/n's POV ]

During lunchtime, Midoriya asked us why we wanted to be heroes. "Y/n, why do you want to be a hero?" Midoriya says while getting out his notebook. "I want to be a hero because . . ." I explained why I wanted to be a hero. "O-Oh wow, that was unexpected." Midoriya then turns to Iida. "What about you, Iida?" Iida looked like he was thinking about what he should say.

"Well, I come from a family of heroes, my brother is also a hero." Everyone was surprised, including me. "What is your brother's hero name?"

Midoriya says while writing something down on his note like a person from an anime I watched and that character uses his notebook to kill people by writing down their names.

"My brother's hero name is Ingenium." He said with a proud face. He must really look up to his brother. "Oh, I have heard of him before." Midoriya then turned to Uraraka.

"What about you, Uraraka?" Midoriya said while still writing stuff in his notebook. "I want to be rich and have money!" Uraraka said and her eyes were sparkling. We were shocked by Uraraka's response.

"Why?" Midoriya said with a confused look. "Well my family doesn't have a lot of money, I want to be a hero so that I can support and help my family." Uraraka said with a smile. At least she wants to help her family, that's good.

"What about you, Midoriya?" Uraraka said with a big smile. Midoriya blushes a little. "W-Well, I want to be a h-hero because I w-want to save and h-help people." Midoriya said then looked down with embarrassment. I think he is embarrassed because his answer is common.

[ End of flashback ]

[ Y/n's POV ]

"Sure but after we are done, I want to go to the new bookstore." I said then Uraraka lets go of me. We split up in two groups, me and Uraraka started to go upstairs to one of the clothing stores because they had a sale. Uraraka was so excited by a lot of clothes she saw. I was just looking around to see if there were any anime shirts or jeans.

After a few minutes, I felt a tap on my shoulders and I saw Uraraka with some clothes in her hands. "I'm done. Are you getting anything?" I looked back at the sweater I was thinking about getting but I decided not today.

"No, I'm not getting anything. Let's go to the line to pay for your clothes." We went in line to wait for her clothes then we paid for it. We started to head to the bookstore that Iida was talking about.

The bookstore was kind of bigger than the bookstore I usually go to. I was looking at some new volumes of manga then I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to Iida with some books in his hands. "Oh hey Iida." I said with a smile.

"Hey y/n, when did you get here?" He said, while lifting his glasses. "I got here just a few minutes ago, what about you" "Same here." Then after we were done, we paid for our books.

All of us hung out for a while then It was time to go. I also got to get Uraraka and Midoriya's phone number. Me and Iida went back to the station and I went back home, it was good.

How We Met.  [  Tenya Iida x Reader  ]Where stories live. Discover now