[ The Sports Festival Part 1 ]

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[ Y/n's POV ]

"I have an announcement to make." Mr. Aizawa says with a tried voice as usual. "We are going to have a Sports Festival coming soon." Is he kidding?! We just got attacked by villains a week ago and now we have to get ready for the festival.

I wasn't the only one to feel like this. Some of my classmates felt concerned and nervous about the Sports Festival. But we were excited for the event.

After class was over, Uraraka was so pumped for this event. "We can do this!" Uraraka says with her hands up in the air. Some of my classmates including me joined Uraraka's excitement about the festival.

I started to gain some confidence from Uraraka's pride. When lunch came along, Iida asked Uraraka why she was so pumped about the Sports Festival.

"The reason why I'm so pumped about the Sports Festival is because I want to show my parents how well I was doing and make them proud." Uraraka says with a happy voice.

"Same here, I want to make my parents proud too." I said then I put a small smile on my face. Iida and Midoriya also agree to Uraraka's words. We continue eating our lunches until the bell rings.

After a few weeks, the Sports Festival will be starting tomorrow. We have been training hard for this event for weeks.

Even though I wanted to just watch anime all day on the weekend, I wanted to get stronger and focus on my combat. Iida also helped me with some of my homework.

The next day, we were waiting in our class waiting room. To be honest, I am very nervous about this but I have to stay confident. "Are you alright, y/n ribbit?" I look to my left to see Tsu looking at me. "Y-Yeah, I'm j-just nervous a-about the Sports Festival." I said with a nervous voice.

"I think you do great in the Sport Festival ribbit." Tsu's words made me less nervous for the Sports Festival. "Thanks, I think you will do well too, Tsu." I said with a smile.

We heard a door and saw one of the teachers from U.A. saying that it's time for us to go. We headed out the door to go outside where the other freshmen like us are at.

I looked around and saw a lot of people, my heart was racing because there were a lot of people. "Welcome, everyone to the Sports Festival!" I looked up and saw Midnight on the stage. Everyone in the crowd started to get excited.

"Before we get started, I would like the player representative, Katsuki Bakugo to come up to the stage and do a speech!" What in manga?! Why of all people would you choose Bakugo to speak in front of everyone?

Bakugo went up on the stage to speak on the mic. "All I want to say is that I'M GOING TO WIN FIRST PLACE AND ALL YOU EXTRAS WILL LOSE!"

After he said that, I felt negative vibes from the other classes. Everyone in the different classes started to say "Booooo!" And I feel the rest of the classes are angry at us. Then Midnight started to explain the events that will happen in the Sports Festival. One of them is a Obstacle race.

After she was done explaining, we all started to head to the starting line. "3, 2, 1, START!" We started to run to the first part of the race.

The first part of the race was a small city with robots just like from our entrance exam. While I was running toward the exit, I had to destroy some robots because they were blocking my path.

After I made it to the exit, I saw the next part of the race, it was ropes. My quirk helped me balance on the ropes so that I can get to the exit quickly. I got to the exit, I saw a big explosion coming from the ground when one of the students stepped on it. It was a land mine.

I breathed in and out then I started to run as fast as I could. I was surprised that I dodged most of the land mines explosions. The last one threw me into the air but I landed on the ground perfectly. I think I got seventh or eighth place, Midoriya surprisingly got first place in the race.

We all walked back to where the stage was and Midnight was standing there waiting for us. "The next event that we have is The Cavalry Battle...." Midnight started to explain how the cavalry battle will work and how different it will be from the normal cavalry battle we usually play in normal school.

After she was done explaining, she said that Midoriya got first place, and he is worth 10 millions points if you get his headband during the battle. "Find four people to complete your team!" Midnight said with a smile on her face.

Everyone looked at Midoriya and started to walk away from him. I was about to walk away but I feel bad for him. I signed and walked up to him.

"I will be part of the team if you don't mind." I said with a straight face. Midoriya looks at me and he starts crying. "D-Did I say s-something wrong?"

Midoriya started to rub his tears and look back at me. "N-No, I'm just glad someone wants to help me." Then I saw Tokoyami, Uraraka, and a girl with pink hair that I didn't know came up to us.

"I have to join you because there is no room for me." Tokoyami said with a straight face. "Don't worry Midoriya, we can do this!" Uraraka said with a happy voice. Midoriya had a joyful face.

"Everyone get ready to start!" We lifted up Midoriya and formed a position to get ready for the battle. "Ready, set,. . . . GO!" Few of the teams started to run towards us. Tokoyami used his quirk to block them then Midoriya got one of the team's head bands.

One of the teams went behind us. "Guys, one of the teams is behind us!" I said then used my quirk to block one of the team's members. We turn around so that Midoriya can get the team's head band. And Midoriya got it. We turned back around and saw Bakago's team and Todoroki's team, the last ones left.

We started to run towards them and they started to run towards us too. When Midoriya was about to grab both of their head bands, he thought he grabbed both of them but Todoroki's headband was a fake one.

Then Todoroki took Midoriya's head band, he was really quick that I didn't see it fast enough.

Midoriya started to say sorry for failing us and we kept saying it's alright because we tried our best. "First place is Todoroki's Team, second place is Bakugo's Team, Shinso Team, and fourth place is Midoriya's Team!" Midoriya started to cry in joy and we just stared at him because we don't know what to say next.

"The last event for the Sports Festival is the Battle Tournament!"

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