[ The confession ]

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I grabbed my phone from my stand to turn off my alarm, even though it is the weekend. But today was special because this will be the day where I will finally be able to confess..to Iida. I'm nervous though since I don't know if he has feelings for me or..not. I got up from my bed to get ready to meet up with Iida. While I was brushing my teeth, I got a message from Iida.

Tenya Iida: Good morning, y/n.

You: Hey! Good morning, Iida.

Tenya Iida: Which bookstore would you like to go to?

You: Miko's Bookstore. Since it doesn't get crowded there a lot.

Tenya Iida: I agree. I will tell you when I made it to your house.

You: Okay, see ya later!

I couldn't help but to blush a little. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I put on my clothes before heading downstairs to eat breakfast. But first, I had to tell my parents that I was heading out after breakfast. I had something simple for breakfast like a toast with butter. When I was done with breakfast, I got a text message from Iida that he was here. I quickly put on my shoes and checked if I had everything on me. I opened the door to see Iida with his casual clothes. Not gonna lie, he looks nice. I locked the door behind me. "Ready," Iida said, I nodded.

After we got off the train, we headed to Miko's Bookstore. Luckly, there weren't a lot of people there, so I moved freely around the store. "Welcome!" The lady said behind the register, we split up to go to our usual book section. Iida went to the literature section, and I went to the manga section. It took me a while to get the volumes I wanted since I only had 30 bucks. "Wait..is that," then I found a volume that had been out of stock for a long time, but the thing was that it was very high up on the shelf.

"Let me see..if...I can," I said trying to reach the manga. Then I felt a warm hand brushing against my head. I turn around to see Iida, he smiles at me. "Thank you, Iida." I said, smiling at him back. When Iida handed me the manga, I felt the tip of his hand brush against mine. After that we head to line to our books.

"Hey..um...Iida," I said while we were heading out of the station. "Yes," I started to feel sweat coming back down. "I have...something to tell you..um," I started rubbing the back of my neck. "Is something wrong," Iida said with a curious face. The silence filled in the air, it wasn't awkward. But it was..a comfortable silence. "I..um..really l-like you..Iida. And it's fine i-if you don't like me that-" Before I could finish my sentence, I felt warm arms around my waist embracing me into a warm, nice hug. "I really like you too, y/n," Iida said, his hands moving from my waist to my face "Would you be...my significant other?" He said, "Of course. Why else did I confess to you," I said, his eyes slowly moving from my eyes to my lips.

"Huh?" I stood up quickly on my bed with my heart beating hard. It was just a...dream? I checked my phone to see that it was only 4:38 A.M. Why? "W-Why?" I started to feel my face turn hot.

(Just Kidding!)



His eyes slowly move from my eyes to my lips. His lips slowly came toward mine; it became a sweet, passionate kiss. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands slowly moved back to my waist, holding me tight. I began to lose oxygen then we let go and got some air. We stared at each other, I started to see Iida's face turn red while mine turned hot. "I-I-I sorry, I-I mean..um.." Iida said, doing a fast-chopping motion as if he was a malfunctioning robot. "I-It's fine, Iida. Okay," I said, then we started walking again back to our homes. The walk to our homes wasn't an awkward silence, it was more... of a comfortable silence that filled me with joy.

"Hey, I'm home," I said, taking off my shoes near the door. "Hey, y/n. Dinner is almost ready in about 10 minutes," my dad said, cutting up some vegetables on the chopping board. "Okay, I'm going to take shower," I said, going up the stairs to my room to get ready for the shower. "Okay!" After taking a shower, I laid on my bed still thinking about the kiss. Man, I feel like my heart is going to explode.

[ Tenya Iida's POV ]

"I'm home," I said, taking off my shoes near the front door and putting on the small self where we keep our shoes. "Oh hey, little bro," Tensei says, rolling out of the kitchen with his wheelchair. "Are you making something, Tensei?" He nodded and smiled. "Yeah, since mom and dad are out for dinner with their friends. I thought it would be nice to cook..again for us," Tensei smiled and went back to the kitchen.

"Okay but don't burn anything, while I take a bath." I said, doing my chopping motion. "Don't worry, Tenya." Tensei said. When Tensei was put into a wheelchair, I had to change some things in the house so that Tensei could think better. It was hard but we made it through it. After taking a bath, I still couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. Was I b-being too bold? I felt..great. Wait, why am I thinking like that?! "Tenya, dinner's ready!" My thoughts were interpreted by Tensei. "I'm coming, Tensei!"

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