[ The Training Camp Part 2 ]

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[ Y/n's POV ]

"Everyone, wake up!" I heard a loud voice, I slowly opened my eyes to see half of my covers were off me. I got up to look around to see where the voice came from but everyone looked like they just got up. "You must be wondering where this voice is coming from. I'm using my quirk, telepath. That's why you guys can't see me." I finally recognized the voice, it's Mrs. Sosaki from the Pussycats. We all got to get ready for breakfast. I put on some clothes that are easy to move around with while training. After we were done with breakfast, we went to the training area where Mr. Aizawa was waiting.

"Good morning, everyone!" Mr. Aizawa said then yawned. I still felt a little tired even though we did our exercises before starting training. Mr. Aizawa told each of us about what we will be doing for training with our quirks. After he told us, we started training and went to our little areas for training. Five minutes into our training, Class 1-B joins us into the area so that the teachers can supervise us easier. We took a few breaks between our training.

After hours of training, we finally finished it. I can feel my body filled with tiredness and pain. All of us took a bath at the hot springs, we put on our casual clothes, and headed to the cooking area where we will be making our food. Me and Iida's job was to watch over the food while it's cooking so it doesn't burn or undercook. When the food was done, we all grabbed our plates to put food on our plates. Me and Iida decided to sit next to each other. The food was delicious and we had a good talk.

At that moment, I finally built up the confidence to tell him that I have feelings for him. "Hey, Iida." Iida turns his head to me. "Yes, y/n," he said, then that made my heart beat faster than before. Come on, heart, why can't you calm down? "Iida..I...really-" before I could say anything else, Mr. Aizawa tells us who has to have extra lessons with him tonight while we play the test of courage with Class 1-B. Class 1-B is scares while we will be the scarers. Our job is to find cards with their names on there. If Class 1-B scares more of us, they will win. But if we collect all of the cards before they have more scares, we win. When I was about to get up, he grabbed my hand to stop me. "What were you going to say to me?" Iida said, I felt my confidence going back down into zero. "I was going to say...um..I really enjoy going to the bookstore with you. If you aren't busy next week, would you like to join me?" I said and Iida agreed to it. Maybe I can tell my feelings on that day.

After Class 1-B was done setting up, we went into the dark forest. We all split up into two or three people to find the cards in the forest. We obviously brought flashlights and our phones with us. "I'm so nervous and scared. W-What about you, I-Iida?" I said then I jumped a little bit when I felt something on my leg but there was nothing on me. "I feel the same-" before Iida said anything else, we hear something in the brushes. "H-Hello, is a-anyone there?" I said but I still hear silence. Me and Iida were in defense mode, we kept walking with high alert. All of the sudden, we see smoke coming out of nowhere.

"Where is this- *cough* *cough*." I started to feel my throat slowly closing. "We should...*cough*get out of here." Me and Iida ran out of the smoke. I started to breathe normally after getting out of the smoke. "Something's..wrong here," I said with a worried expression. "Yeah, same here. We should alert the teachers right away," Iida said, also having a worried expression. We started to head where Mr. Aizawa is teaching his extra lessons to a few of my classmates and also a few of the Class 1-B students.

On our way, we heard someone following us. When I looked behind, there was a person that was about to land an attack on us. I pushed Iida out of the way before it hit him. We landed on the hard, solid ground. We got up to see a lizard man who kind of dresses like Stain the Hero Killer. "Dang it, I was close," the man said, straightening his pose. "W-What do you want?" Iida said, the man turned to him and gave him an angry glare. "I want both of you dead!" The man said in an angry face. Iida and I were in defense mode because the man seemed like he is going to attack where his weapon.

"If it weren't for you kids, my master would have still been killing those disgusting heroes!" The man said, running towards us. We dodged his attack, we used our quirks to knock him out but it was hard to do that. His weapon was big so we had to be careful of where we were going. After we were done knocking him out, we started to head to our location.

[ Sorry for posting another chapter for awhile, I have been busy ]

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