Chapter 47

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Liam's POV

We take all the safety precautions we can. Bolting the doors, boarding the windows, even putting a door up where the stairs begin. We trap ourselves upstairs with nothing but food, water, and each other.

We're only concerned about staying alive. Screw that, I'm only concerned about keeping Maddie alive. She can't get hurt. I can't see her beautiful blue eyes in pain. I can't see the shine in them replaced by fear and agony. It hurts too much.

So I keep her close to me at all times. It really doesn't matter though, because we're all huddled together close enough that I can feel Zayn's arm and he's four people down from me.

In a whisper, Shelby says that we should be ok. "The murders wouldn't just break into random houses..right?" She says sniffling into Louis' shirt.

"I don't know baby, I'm not sure. I hope not," he says, rubbing her shoulders to comfort her.

"I don't understand why they're doing this. It's not funny at all. Or cool. It's just scary," Maddie says. I pull her into my lap and kiss her forehead.

"It'll be ok baby doll, I'll keep you safe. I promise. I value your life about my own." I tell her, rocking her back and forth.

And it's true, I would take a bullet for her. I would die for her, any day of the week. I love her just that much.

She shakes her head, "Well I'm not just gonna sit here and let you get hurt for me. I can't stand to see you in pain either, Liam. We're gonna do this as one big team. I couldn't stand to see any of you get hurt."

Mallori places a hand on her back and smiles, "Thank you Maddie. I love you all so so much. I'll do anything to protect you guys."

We all go around pledging our allegiance to each other using different words. I've truly never had a better group of friends.

We try to keep each other calm, but all of our cumulative strength breaks when we hear a door opening downstairs. We all make the decision to cover our mouths and hide in Niall's closet. As we're squeezing in, we hear the door we bolted to the stairs being opened.

Just as we close the closet door, we hear a voice. Two voices, actually. I shake in fear as I listen to their conversation.

"Where are they? I know someone has to be here," a male says.

"I don't know, but they have to be here. Who else would've boarded up the windows?" A female says.

Wait...I know these voices. These are the voices of the people that raised me. My mother and father are the leaders of this purge. And I know exactly who they're after.

Shelby starts to cry, which makes a considerable amount of noise. Louis tries to shush her sobs to a smaller interruption of silence, but to no avail. They've clearly heard them as the closet door is opened.

I stare in betrayal at not only my father, but my mother as well. I thought maybe she loved me, I now see that I was wrong.

"Thank you for your service, Shelby. Here's the money." My father says, handing her a stack of hundreds of hundred dollar bills.

Everyone's mood changes as we realize that Shelby was in on this whole thing. She sold our locations to the murders I once called my parents.

I look into the face of my mother, "Mom, please, don't do this."

"Liam, move." She says coldly.

I scoot Maddie behind me, blocking any bullet paths to her. She's my number one priority.

"No." I say firmly, grabbing Maddie's hand from behind me.

"We'll have to do it the hard way then," my father says, clicking a bullet into place, "You were always a filthy excuse of a son anyways."

And with those last words, I slip out of consciousness, just as the blood slips from the bullet hole in my leg.


So thanks for reading ily all

Ps. Maddie's probably convulsing hahaha}

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