Chapter 5

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Songs I listened to while writing this chapter:

Slipped Away- Avril Lavigne

Chasing Cars- Snow Patrol

Gone Too Soon- Simple Plan

Here Without You- Three Doors Down

Landslide- Fleetwood Mac

Words- Skylar Grey

Autumn Leaves- Ed Sheeran

I Miss You- 5SOS Cover

Your Song- Ellie Goulding Cover

Let Her Go- Passenger

Liam's POV

This day cannot go by any slower. I just want it to be over so I can go out with that insanely pretty girl. I'm not sure if she thinks it's a date or not though.

I hope it's a date. I mean, I saw the blush on her face this morning when I smiled at her. Does she like me? I sure hope so.

As the bell rings, I gather my notebooks and quickly run down the hall to shove them in my locker.

After doing so, I run outside and lean against the bricks, waiting for her.

Before I know it, her gorgeous caramel hair flows behind her as she walks towards me.

"Hey babe!" I say pulling her into a hug, "Did you have a good day?"

"As good as school can be," she says nervously. I can see the blush forming on her cheeks.

I nod. "I know how you feel, I hate school, just a bunch of wannabes," I say.

"I agree. I still can't believe you blew off Nicole for me," she says, eyes widening when she realizes she's said it out loud.

"Nicole?" I laugh, "She's so fake. I can't stand her," I say.

She nods and looks down at her feet, and, for some reason, it seems like her attitude has changed.

"Right, so let's go get pizza yea?" I say opening the door to my 1992 Ford pickup for her.

It's an awful, ugly car, but it's all I have.

"I love pizza," she says.

I smile wide, normally all the other girls I talk to don't eat carbs after 3. It's nice to have a girl who doesn't care.

"Me too! I know this amazing pizza place a few miles from here..they have amazing pizza and a cute little pavilion that plays music and you can dance if you like," I gush as I drive. It's so easy to talk to her.

I roll down the windows, simply to see her gorgeous blue eyes light up and her hair flow in the wind.

She turns up the radio really loud, and we both just sing, her taking the upper harmony, and I the lower. Her voice is gorgeous, but she looks at me funny and turns down the radio.

"You sing?" she says looking at me.

I blush, I didn't even realize I was doing it until she mentioned it.

"Uhh yeah," I shrug, "I sing, is that a problem for you?" I say putting back up the wall she shimmied through.

"No, no, it's just, jocks don't normally sing," she says, backtracking.

"Well I'm not a normal footballer player," I say turning a corner, "Besides did Cory Monteith teach you nothing?" I laugh and sneak a glance at her.

She giggles and hits my arm.

"Don't mention him! I'm still sad about what happened!" she says pouting.

"I am too! Glee wasn't the same without him!" I say pulling into the lot and going around the car to open her door for her.

My dad may not have taught me anything, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to be a gentleman.

She blushes and smiles up at me. "Thank you," she says pulling herself from the seat.

I lead her inside and order our pizza, pulling out my wallet to pay.

"I'll pay for mine," she says pulling out a twenty from her pocket.

"No, it's fine babe. I invited you here, so I'm paying," I say handing the money to the cashier.

"Liam?!" Nicole calls from across the restaurant.

I turn around quickly. "Nicole?"

"She's your 'other plans'?!" she says angrily.

Maddie puts her head down and shys away from me. Now I'm angry.

"Yes, Nicole, she is my other plans. And to be honest she's a whole lot better than you are," I say, shooting her daggers for making Maddie upset.

She scoffs, "How could she ever be better than me? She's not even on the cheer squad! The quarterback deserves to date a cheerleader! Not a nobody!" she spits.

I step closer to her, "That's the bloody point! I don't want to date a cheerleader! I don't want to date a fake like you!"

Her face goes red and she storms out of the restaurant.

I turn to Maddie and use my hand to cup her cheek, "I'm sorry about her, she's really annoying."

She shakes her head, "No, she's right."

"No! She's not right at all! She's fake!" I promise her, gently brushing my thumb over her cheekbone.

"Let's just eat," she says and pulls away from me.

I hate that Nicole has made her clam up again. But I nod and take her hand, leading her out to the pavilion.

As we sit and eat our pizza, In My Bones by Ron Pope begins to ring through the pavilion, my face lighting up.

"I love this song! Dance with me?" I ask her.

"I-I don't know.. I'm not a very good dancer," she says shyly.

"C'mon I'll teach you," I say helping her up and pulling out into the open space.

"Step up onto my feet," I instruct and she hesitates, but does so.

"Now we just gently rock back and forth, and pretend we know what we're doing," I laugh, "Because I don't know how to dance either."

She laughs and smiles, "Nice move, Payne," she says, beginning to step off of my feet.

I place my hand on her back and pull her closer.

"Stay there, it's nice," I smile.

She blushes and smiles back at me. We lose ourselves in the music, and somehow by the end of the song, her head is on my chest and my hands are on her hips. And we're both so comfortable, that neither of us care to back away from each other as we dance through several more songs.

And for once in my life, I'm happy.

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