Chapter 9

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Songs I listened to while writing this:

Lost Stars- Adam Levine

Breaking Your Own Heart- Michael Logen

I Miss You- 5SOS Cover

Liam's POV

"Yes, mom, that's fine. Alright, ok. Love you too, sleep tight," I say hanging up.

My parents do this a lot, go out together and end up spending the night in whatever town they're in for a couple days, leaving me with only a phone call.

This time they decided to go away for the entirety of Christmas Break, leaving me alone for two weeks. Looks like I'll be spending Christmas alone this year.

But I don't mind, I like being alone. It's the only time I can be me.

This is me. Trodding around in sweatpants and a t shirt with curly hair and my glasses instead of contacts. This is me. Not the football uniform and cleats and perfectly styled hair. That's not me.

I heat up a tray of Stoufer's Mac and cheese and sit down on the couch, beginning to eat it.

I set down the tray on the table beside the couch and get up to pop in a movie. I select the film carefully, and I end up putting in The Fault In Our Stars, just because I feel like crying.

About halfway through the movie, there's a knock at my door.

Who in the world is even up now? I mean I know it's Christmas Break, but it's 2:57 in the morning.

I pad over to the door and look through the peephole.

I nearly jump back 30 feet when I see that beautiful angel from school.

After it sunk in that she was here, I quickly opened the door.

"Maddie? What are you doing here?" I ask.

She stumbles for a while, clearly nervous and cold.

"Here babe, come in, you look freezing!" I say, pulling her into the house and removing her coat.

I lead her to the couch and cover her with a blanket.

"Wanna try to explain again?" I ask kindly, heating more Mac and cheese and handing it to her.

"Oh thank you very much, but I've already eaten," she says starting to set it down.

"No, no, no, eat it please," I smile and hand it back to her.

She looks at me with a small smile and begins to eat it.

"I was just feeling too many things, so I went for a walk, and before I knew it, I was here," she explains.

I nod sympathetically and absentmindedly rub her back as she explains.

I don't know what happens, but whenever I get around Maddie, I can't control my body language. I just automatically start to rub her back or hold her hand or lean in to kiss her...

Before I can make my mind's cons weigh more than my heart's pros, I lean in and connect our lips.

I mentally gasp at the feeling of her warm lips moving against mine. She's so beautiful, and our lips just seem to fit together perfectly. The spark is unbelievable.

The question is, does she like it too? Or does she only want to kiss me when I'm the quarterback of the football team?

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