Chapter 2

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Maddie's POV

I set my backpack down against the wall, and quickly run to my room laughing as Bo walks in behind me.

"Miss Maddie, what do you think you're doing? You know momma said you have to do your homework before you get on your laptop," she says putting her hands on her hips and looking at me expectantly.

I laugh and smile. "But Boooooooooo," I say pleadingly, "I haven't looked at tumblr all day!"

Bo is my grandma. She's the only one who really understands me. I don't really have many friends, so Bo is all I have. She picks me up everyday from school, and brings me home, where we stay until my parents get home.

A small smile grows on her face and she laughs with me.

"Alright, but don't tell your mother. And make sure you finish your homework so she doesn't skin me," She laughs.

I nod and wave as she leaves the room.

I quickly log onto tumblr and scroll through my dash absentmindedly. About halfway through, I start to daydream about him again. The way his tight muscles flex when he lifts the weight above his head, the way the beads of sweat drip off his bare chest. I close my eyes tightly trying to see it. Feel it. I just want him.

At this point, I sound like all the other girls that obsess about him.

But I'm not like all the others. I don't just see the bad boy quarterback who doesn't care about school, or you. I see right through his act. I know that deep down, he cares. He cares about more than football.

I just wish he cared about me.

I sigh and log onto twitter. I quickly go to my DMs and smile as I'm granted with a message from Allison.

Allison is my best friend. She used to live next door to me, but last year, she moved to Illinois. I miss her a lot, mostly because she was all I had.

A: Hey babe! How ya feeling today?

I smile, and my fingers fly across the keyboard.

M: I'm good, thanks lovely. Just thinking about him lots. I know I shouldn't be, but I don't know what's up with him lately. He seems so sad.

It doesn't take Alli long to reply, she knows how I get about this situation.

A: Listen, Maddie, I'm sure he's fine. Just stressed about football. Now I wanted to tell you I was coming to Georgia for a whole month to visit!

I choke on my lemonade. She's coming back! She'll be here with me!

M: What?! Alli, that's amazing! I can't wait to see you again! Jrhskbsj wow

She quickly replies with more details about where she's staying, and I tell her I have to finish homework.

Bo brings me in some Mac and cheese, and I start on my math homework. Bo sits on the bed next to me, and I look up at her confused. She normally leaves after she brings me food.

"Is something wrong Bo?" I ask gently blowing on the Mac and cheese.

"It's..its PawPaw," she says placing a hand on my leg.

PawPaw is my grandfather. He lives in the house next to mine, and he's very very old. Everyday he knocks on my door with some mail that comes from his box, and he gives it to my father with the simple explanation of "Give this to Vera,".

Vera was his wife. She passed a little while ago, and he thinks my mom is Vera.

I suck in a breath and look up at Bo.

"What happened to PawPaw?" I say.

She closes her eyes, and I brace myself for what's to come. I can feel the walls building up around my heart. Each heavy cinderblock, sealing my fate of being alone.

"PawPaw, well he isn't doing so good. He's in the hospital now. He's very dehydrated, and he refuses to drink anything. He says he's ready to go," she says pulling me into her arms.

A few tears slip down my cheeks, and my wall is complete. I dry my eyes and stand up.

"Bo, I love you, but can I have a few moments alone?" I ask with a shaky voice.

She nods and leaves the room, shutting the door behind her.

I allow myself to break down. Curl into a ball, and allow my heart to disintegrate behind the wall I've built. My prison cell. My heart is being held captive. And the sick part is, I have the key to release it. I just can't figure out how to use it.

I pull my phone out of my back pocket, and my vision is blurred with tears, but I can still type. Before I even know what I'm doing, his picture is on my screen. The only person who can even remotely help me to calm down. Him.

I begin to wonder if maybe he's like me, inside I mean. Maybe he's sad and alone, just like me.

I let out a small laugh, because I'm just that delirious. Of course he's not like me.

He's living the life of his dreams.

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