Chapter 34

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Maddie's POV

I blink a few times. How could anyone so much as lay a hand on Liam? He's a literal angel!

As I look into his deep brown eyes, I see a lot of pain. A lot of pain that I recognize. The inside of his eyes looks exactly like the drawing I drew a few days ago.

"Liam, I'm so sorry," I say pulling him in for a hug. I rub my hand over his back.

I honestly have no idea what to say. I've never been a good comforter. I've always felt incompetent when it comes to this. I'm only doing everything that Bo does when she comforts me.

He starts to cry into my shoulder and whimpers out, "I-If he finds out I wore my glasses in public, h-he'll beat me again."

I shake my head and rubs his back again, "Don't even think about that ok? He won't find out, I'll make sure he doesn't. And if he tries to touch you again, I swear I'll literally beat him into the ground."

He shakes his head, "Fighting back makes it worse."

With every word he says, my heart breaks even more. To know that Liam has been through so much crappy stuff makes me feel like I haven't even experienced pain before.

"I know Liam, I know. We shouldn't talk about it anymore, because I know it took a lot for you to tell me that and I know it hurts you. I just hope you know that I love you."

Knowing that a broken angel lays right here in my arms makes me feel like the worst things happen to the best people.

And it's true, the worst things do happen to the best people. Liam is living proof.


Liam's POV

I'm so glad I told Maddie. She's the only person I'll ever tell, and it took a lot of courage, but I finally did it. And now that I've done it, I feel a small weight lifted off my shoulders. It's still there, but it's better with Maddie.

It seems like everything is better with Maddie actually. When Maddie came into my life about a week ago, it seems like the whole world got brighter.

So it's right here, in my car, as I hug her, that I realize I have to make her mine.

"Maddie," I say pulling away and sniffling as I grab her hands, "I love you so much, and I don't really know if I'll be a great one, I mean I hope I will, I'll try my best that's for sure, but maybe could I be your boyfriend? If you want, maybe, please?"

I blush because that probably made no sense. Maddie smiles and instead of laughing at me for being nervous, she just kisses me. She kisses every fear I have away.


Later that night, Maddie and I are in the kitchen preparing a dinner for our guests and ourselves.

"I'm really excited to have Mallori and Niall and their friends over!" She says popping herself up onto the counter.

"Me too!" I pull out the stuff to make tacos, "Mallori seemed really nice in the restaurant!"

"Oh she's super sweet! She was my best friend in elementary school, but she moved away a few years ago. I texted her for a while, and we never lost contact," she says smiling.

It makes me happy to know that Maddie has such fantastic friends. If I ever screw up as a boyfriend, I know she has someone to go to, which is comforting.

I realize that I kind of sound like I'm waiting for myself to screw up, but I really hope I don't. I want to be a model boyfriend and I never want to make Maddie unhappy.

I love her way too much to break her heart.

{Hey guys! So I tried to make this chapter a bit longer! I hope you like it! Thank you all for reading ily

Ps. Maddie's probably dead lol}

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