Chapter 48

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Maddie's POV

I feel my entire world crash down around me as I watch Liam fall to the ground. The blood seeps from his leg, just as the happiness seeps from my heart. His leg is filled with the bullet as my heart is filled with fear and several scenarios resulting in a life without my baby. My Liam.

I do the first thing I can think of and I grab a shirt from the closet. Niall and Mallori won't mind if it means I'm saving Liam's life. I start to tie it around his leg, forming a makeshift tourniquet.

"Listen to me baby, if you can here me, I want you to know I'm here for you and I love you. I know you're strong enough to make it through, you can do this. You've been through so much and you can't give up now." I say frantically squeezing his hand with one hand and applying pressure to the wound with the other.

My goal is to keep him from bleeding out before an ambulance can get here. My mind reels but focuses on only two words. Liam, and ambulance.

"GUYS SOMEONE NEEDS TO CALL AN AMBULANCE!" I shout. It's then when I realize our circumstance. I look up to see each of the boys fighting Liam's parents off. Niall takes a punch to the jaw and stumbles back a bit, catching a bullet in the shoulder from Liam's mother.

"NIALL!" Mallori shouts as he falls. She rushes to his side and gives me a frantic look. I throw her a shirt and motion to the tourniquet I tied for Liam. God Bless the healthcare teacher that taught us to do this. She ties one for Niall and waits.

My mind is going in a thousand different directions, but I realize I have to get to a phone to call an ambulance for the boys. I search the room, trying not to get hit by the flying bullets that come from their guns.

I finally reach a phone on their bedside table, quickly dialing 911 and reporting the case. Just as I give the address, I take a bullet in the foot.

I scream in pain as Zayn and Madison rush over to help me. They know I'm losing blood quickly, and there's no one to supply shirts anymore. I'm not helping either, I'm only struggling to get to Liam. I need to make sure he's okay, I need to make sure he lives. I could care less whether I do or not, I just need him to be alright.

As I drift out of consciousness, I find myself praying. In novels, the main character always seems to pray the same prayer. "God, let me live." But this is not the prayer I pray. I change one word.

"God, let Liam live."


I open my eyes to the smell of sterility and the white walls of a hospital room. I check the clock, 11:50PM. I've only been asleep for two hours.

I try to stand from the bed, but as I do, I collapse. My foot is in a great deal of pain and I can't decide whether or to to try to get up again.

The decision is made for me when my friends walk through the door. However, not all my friends walk through the door. I see Louis, Shelby, Zayn, Harry, and Mallori.

It must've been an odd sight for them to see, because as I saw them, I started to bawl.

"Maddie! What happened?" Louis asks, rushing over to help me back into bed.

"D-did the rest die? Are they gone?" I sob.

Mallori quickly shakes her head, "No, they're not dead. Perrie and Madison are with Niall and Liam, they volunteered to stay back with them while we came to check and see if you were up yet," she explains, rubbing my back.

"Is Liam ok?" I ask. I need the answer to be yes. I don't know what I'll do if the answer isn't yes.

"He's...we'll he's alive," Zayn says rubbing the back of his neck.

"What do you mean? What else is wrong with him? What happened?" I ask frantically, trying to stand up again, only to fall back on the bed.

Louis eases me back to lay down. They then turn to look at each other, as if to ask who wants to tell me what happened to my baby.

"Do you wanna go see him?" Shelby asks shyly.

I look her dead in the eyes, feeling mine grow cold. "You," I spit, "Why are you here? To sell us out for more money?"

"Maddie, listen Shelby didn't mean to," Louis starts.

"Of course she meant to! And look, both you and her are just fine aren't you! If you'd gotten shot, you would've thought differently about her intentions!" I shout.

"No I wouldn't! Stop talking like that about her! She's the best thing that's ever happened to me!" He shouts back.

"Guys stop!" Harry yells, "This isn't helping anything!"

Mallori nods, "He's right. Now would you like to go see Liam? I can get you a wheelchair," she offers. I nod, trying not to look at Shelby anymore. I'm angry, but I'm more hurt that she would do that to us. She acted like she was our friend.

Mallori helps me into a wheelchair and everyone except Louis and Shelby take me to see Liam. They stay behind to talk.

As I'm let into Liam's room, I see him. My beautiful angel. Lying on a pristine white bed. No matter how pure it is, it cannot be more pure than his heart.

"Liam," I whisper, taking his hand in mine, "I'm so glad you're alive."

He doesn't answer though. Because even though he's alive, he's not conscious.

My baby's in a coma.


So thanks for reading, I feel like a lot happened in this chapter! Ily all so much


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