Chapter 1.8: Holmes & Watson

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Chapter eight: Holmes & Watson

In the morning, Merlin watched Mr Gaius leave for work while holding a cup of coffee in his hand. He would no doubt need it should things go well or... not so well. Merlin had reserved two tickets for the westbound train service, checked the time, and sent Arthur a message with the information as promised. All there was left to do now was to wait. Merlin still had two hours until he and Arthur were to meet at King's Cross. There was a good chance they could hide in the crowds there and not be recognized. Most travellers were too busy to notice what really went on around them anyways. Merlin had learned that when he first arrived in London. Besides, Arthur would most likely be able to find his way there without his personal driver. Merlin chuckled at the thought.

It would be a lie to say that Merlin himself wasn't nervous. Mostly he was worried what the King would say if he found out what he and Arthur were doing and he was worried it would cost him his job - plus any hope of a future career. Trying not to think so darkly, Merlin tied his shoes, grabbed his bag and put on his jacket to start today's adventure. It was beginning and not without excitement - more than usual, in fact. Merlin swore he could feel it all the way to King's Cross and even then it was still there. He had found a corner where he waited for Arthur, but the strange feeling wouldn't go away. Merlin knew his heartbeat was racing and a sort of streaming went through him, all the way to his fingertips. It was like he was waiting to burst and let it all out... but that sounded ridiculous even in his head.

Staring at other travellers, Merlin's eyes fell on an old kiosk-owner who was trying to make sure his young assistant was doing his job right. Merlin leaned himself against a nearby sign and just then the entire row of sweets the young assistant was organizing, came crashing to the ground. The old owner cried out in horror and demanded the issue to be fixed. The young helper looked baffled and kept apologizing for his mistake. Merlin stared at the scene at the kiosk, then at his hand he had just leaned on. It was directly lined with the occurrence and he frowned. He thought no further of it than that it was a funny coincidence. Instead, he looked at his watch and noted there were five minutes until Arthur could be expected to show up. If he didn't within 15 minutes, Merlin had reserved himself the right to worry. Until then, what could go wrong? Changing his position, Merlin put both hands on the sign to do a simple morning stretch. Not even a second later the bags of sweets, that hung safely on their racks broke open in their bottoms and the contents rained down over the poor young assistant - his mouth hung open and the owner took a deep breath and probably im
thinking there was absolutely no way his day could get worse now. This time, however, Merlin couldn't ignore it; it couldn't be a coincidence this time. Both things happened by the wave of his hand. Such things weren't actually possible in real life. Although, the more he thought of it the idea of practical magic didn't sound so ridiculous at all. These were strange coincidences and not the only ones Merlin could mention. He was sure the streamy feeling he had inside had a connection to it. These weird happenings.

"What are you doing?" a familiar voice said. Arthur crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows, which went up pretty high, considering he just found Merlin with his arms stretched out in front of him. He looked slightly ridiculous and slightly funny with that dumbstruck look on his face. Arthur gave Merlin time to make up some sort of explanation and Merlin flashed an innocent smile to cover it up a bit - and to soften Arthur's intimidating look. The prince was wearing sunglasses, a red hoodie and jeans. He was as unrecognizable as possible. He was also much taller and had broader shoulder than Merlin, who was small and not very intimidating at all.

It was impressive that Arthur had managed to get out of the palace unseen. McGwaine and Thomas were smart and always found him sooner or later. Finally, Merlin had to ask:

"How'd you get out?"

Arthur shrugged and Merlin's attempt to change the topic was an instant victory. "I know a thing or two about Buckingham's secret passageways," he answered.

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