Chapter 1.12: Theipann ar an tuar riamh

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Merlin closed the book and slipped a note in his pocket, following Gaius out of the dungeons with a straight face. Although when out, he rushed off so the old man didn't have a chance to say anything before he was gone. There was another paragraph that Merlin hadn't translated for Gaius; Theipann ar an tuar riamh. It was part of the reason he knew he could still stop Stuart. Reaching the upstairs level, Merlin heard a muffled scream from within the palace - possibly the King's study. Thinking fast, Merlin grabbed one of the sword (which was really antique and now decorative) since it was the only weapon nearby. He stuffed it inside his jacket and went on his way.

The scream had come from Gwen when Stuart pushed her through the aisles and kicked open the door to the King's study. He brought the antique chair to the middle of the room, threw Gwen on it, tying her to it. Arthur made several faces of rage and anger whilst Stuart locked the doors, forcing McGwaine and Arthur up against the wall to mock them. The condescending smile on his face made it clear how much he was enjoying this moment and the power he held in his hand. Seeing the terrified look on Gwen's face felt like being punched to Arthur. Finally the veil had fallen and Stuart was showing his true self. Their entire friendship had been a lie right from the beginning. All the support Stuart had provided was nothing but a lie. Arthur had never before left so powerless. The worst part was almost that he had never noticed this hatred Stuart seemed to have towards him. It had been hidden well. It was hard to believe that a long friend could turn so easily into an enemy. The pretence had gone and the entire way that Stuart walked and talked seemed unfamiliar and a strange tick seemed to integrate itself in Stuart's features, making him throw his head slightly to the side every few seconds, narrowing his eyes. Arthur and McGwaine quickly became aware that he was a ticking bomb, ready to go off at them any moment.

Still, it was about to get a whole lot worse...

The doors opened, surprising everyone including Stuart. In came the King and Elly. They were conversing politely until a gun was corked and they realised what they had walked in on. Elly gasped and the King instantly pulled her behind him, with a disbelieving expression.

"What is going on here?" the King demanded sternly, but stayed back when the gun was pointed to him.

Stuart shrugged. "I'm taking what's rightfully mine," he said almost wistfully. "And removing the ones who stand in my way. It's a simple game, Uther - I mean, your majesty - you know the rules."

If looks could kill, Stuart would be nothing but dust in the wind now due to the King's glaring at him.

But Stuart was in high spirits. "Let's face it, old man, I have the best cards on my hand. Leverage," he chuckled. "And you have something of mine." He reached out for the King obviously to get him to hand something over. Only those two seemed to know what.

"If I give it to you, Arthur goes free," the King negotiated and Stuart laughed.

"If you give it to me I might spare my sister - and kill your son slower... if I'm satisfied with what you give me." He kept his hand stretched out.

Sighing, the King took off his ring and very hesitantly gave it up. Stuart smiled widely as he put on the ring. "Oh, and one more thing," he said. "Which really is the best kept secret your father has held from you, Arthy. It's a mystery to me that you haven't noticed lately - noticed how your father sometimes has small bouts... which is why I won't have to eliminate him after all."

Arthur kept a straight face, but with difficulty. "What are you talking about?" he demanded with a nervous looking McGwaine on the side. He seemed to know what Stuart was going on about. Arthur took a deep breath.

Stuart smirked and caressed Gwen's duct taped face. She tried to turn her head away from him unsuccessfully. "Everyone knows," Stuart said loudly. "Everyone except you, little Arthy. You are the only one who doesn't know that your father has a tumour on his brain."

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