Chapter 1.5: Banquet

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PIC: Morgana's symbol

A/N: Really, really sorry for the looong delay. Hope you enjoy anyway.

- MysteryOfWordsDK


There was to be a big dinner at the palace. Merlin had planned a quiet day out exploring the streets of London, but had to rearrange when he was asked to help as staff at the royal dinner. The entire royal family would be present for this annual event whilst guests would include the prime minister, other cabinet members, lords, earls, dukes and duchesses. Merlin was excited since this event was so prestigious and glamorous. He would get to see parts of the palace that was closed to the common wealth and then the big ball rooms and so on. The only downside would be Prince Arthur's presence. It would be a shame to say he and Merlin had become better friends over time, things were still much the same. Arthur even took it upon himself to scare the living daylights out of poor Merlin whilst he was preparing for this big event. Merlin was only walking through a smaller part of the gardens, carrying some ingredients for the chefs in the palace kitchen. On his way, he passed trees big enough for someone to hide behind - and someone did. When Merlin was just in the right place Arthur jumped out with the loudest roar he could muster and Merlin nearly dropped everything in his hands. With wide eyes, he stared at the prince, in a mix between shock and irritation.

"What was that for?!" Merlin exclaimed.

Behind Arthur, his good friend Stuart turned up, laughing so much he had to clutch his gut to keep his balance. Arthur soon followed. Merlin scowled. They were wearing brand new suits for the occasion, but Merlin didn't care so much for that. Instead his eyes fell on Stuart. He had seen pictures of this young man, son of the king's brother, and Merlin felt an instant dislike towards him. Was this becoming a habit with members of the royal family? It was as if Stuart could sense Merlin was watching him and he frowned, but didn't mention it. He had nothing better to say than to agree with Arthur's stupid comments so Merlin left them there and went inside with the fruit and vegetables he was carrying. Despite that less than perfect start to the day, everything else seemed to be going smoothly. Merlin worked hard and helped make sure every detail was perfect. He was asked to put on a suit and tie and even white gloves. He couldn't remember having worn anything this fancy before, so he held his head high and did his job with a smile. It was hard, but Merlin felt strangely proud. At break time, Merlin sneaked into the royal gardens and made it past the security guards under the pretence he was to fetch more vegetables. Having walked nearly halfway through the gardens, Merlin stopped by an old oak tree. It was at least a hundred years old if not a thousand. Its leaves were falling to the ground wwere five stones were placed strategically around it, forming a great circle. Each of these stones bore their own symbol that was no doubt related to the old celts. Merlin was mesmerized. Taking a moment, he imagined how this must have been a place with relations to King Arthur because of the special stone in the front. It was bigger than the other ones and carried a dragon like crest upon it. It also had an enormous crack across the surface and Merlin ran his finger over it, closing his eyes...

Then footsteps broke the silence.

"What are you doing out here?" Prince Arthur asked, looking at Merlin as if he was a strange creature.

"Nothing," Merlin said. "Just drawing a bit of fresh air."

"You are positively bonkers," said Arthur, noticing how Merlin was looking at the bigger stone. "You do know those legends aren't real, don't you? That right there is a sort of memorial of our ancient heritage. I think it's hideous."

"Whatever," Merlin mumbled and ignored the prince, unconvinced by the obvious lie in Arthur's tone of voice. "I think it's fascinating." Merlin got up to face the prince then. "And by the way, I've had it with you and your stupid games! You're supposed to be the crown prince of England so I thought you had better things to do than annoy someone like me and besides I was proud to get a job here, but now I don't know if you're just a repeat of your father!"

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